First meeting

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[In this AU all for one is nicer and less manipulative]

TIME: After the "accident"

Walking around the city with the only man who decided to help, young Tenko was skeptical about the whole thing. He didn't trust the man but then again what other option did he have? Being homeless and digging through trash cans to survive? He was just grateful somebody reached out to help him. After about an hour of taking back ally ways and avoiding citizens they arrived at their destination.

Tenko looked at the building and had a feeling the streets would have been better. It was a run down shack with wooden planks falling down all around it. The tall, white haired man noticed Tenko's judgmental face and smiled "It's a lot better on the inside than on the outside, haven't you ever heard 'don't judge a book by it's cover'?"

Tenko then remembered the saying and nervously smiled. They walked inside and Tenko gasped. The man smirked and then continued walking down a hallway. They entered a room in which the man sat down on the bed leaving Tenko to observe. [This is where I start to change things up] He smiled and then ran towards the man. He gave him a hug and thanked him for everything. The tall man smiled and ruffled his hair. 

Suddenly the door creaked open but the white haired man man looked at the person who walked in and the person knew the stare meant to leave and come back later. By the time Tenko looked at the door the person was already gone. The tall white haired man got up off the bed to let Tenko go and rest. He waved and then left the room to have a conversation with the man from before. 


Tenko woke up and streached, a small squeak escaping his throat as he threw his arms up. He looked at the dresser next to his bed and then realized there was a pile of notes left for him. he grabbed the stack and started reading one by one. 'I have taken the liberty of legally changing your name, you will be called Tomura and shall take my last name, Shigaraki. Also, my name is all for one, I will teach you everything you need to know -Sensei.'

'I have also drawn out a map for you to reach the main room, there are a few people I'd like you to meet.' He flipped to the next card and realized how complicated the building actually was. He followed the red line drawn on the map and then came across a very interesting double door. He entered the room and then walked into the room to see five people standing there chatting.  Everyone looked at him and Tomura gave a nervous smile. 

All for One smiled and then turned back to everyone in the room. "Everyone, this is Tomura; my son." The people in the room hadn't turned their heads and were still staring at the child. One of the people eventually walked over to Tomura and squatted down in front of him. He held out his hand and Tomura couldn't make out his facial expressions but he felt as though he was smiling at him. 

He was about to grab his hand when he realized his quirk would have a very negative effect on the man. He jerked his hand back and looked down at the floor. He looked back up and saw All for one standing behind them. "This is Kurogiri." He explained. "He is going to be the one staying with you since I won't be able to be present often."

All for one turned around to have a conversation with another man in the room and then Tomura looked back at Kurogiri. He was a bit confused because the man looked like a man made of black and purple fire. Kurogiri then took his hand and shook it, "It is a pleasure to meet you young Tomura!" Shigaraki gasped that the man didn't disintegrate but then he realized why. 'His body isn't solid, idiot-' He thought. 'He can't be disintegrated-' Kurogiri quickly stood up and went beside him so Tomura could see the others. Once Kurogiri was out of the way he noticed everyone went back to staring at him.

He gave a small smile and began looking at the other 3 in the room. He saw a short man with a bushy mustache, a tall old man, and then a kid who looked a few years older than Tomura. He smiled at the kid but the other boy just rolled his eyes, turned towards the man with the mask, and started talking with him. He looked at the short man with the mustache and saw a devilish grin on his face. All for One turned back towards the people and started pointing and giving introductions. "This is Kyudai Garaki or as we call him, Dr.Garaki." He pointed to the next two people and continued to explain. "This is ______ ________ [it literally never says his name in the series, I even did research. I only found his voice actor] and his son; Kai Chisaki.

He looked at the old man and realized he had an innocent smile on his face, the exact opposite of his son. He noticed that the man was waving at him, so he gave a giant smile and waved back. Kurogiri stiffened as All for One turned to look at him. He then explained how ____, (Kai's old man)  Dr.Garaki, and him were going to discuss something and he needed Kurogiri to watch after Kai and Tomura. 

Tomura looked up at Kurogiri and was confused about how he was talking without a mouth. "I could look after the kids, I see no problem." All for one nodded while the other man just smiled. The two walked out of the room leaving Kai, Tomura, and Kurogiri alone. Kurogiri-who was watching the men leave the room- turned around to see Kai glaring at Tomura, who had an innocent smile on his face. 

Kurogiri clapped his hands together and started talking. "So! What do you two want to do?"

Kai pointed at Shigaraki and with a disgusted look on his face he questioned him. "Why do you look like that? ARE YOU SICK?!" he immediately reached into his pocket and pulled out something and attached it to his mask. It looked like an air filter, he probably put it on because he didn't want to be contaminated by his so called 'sickness'.

Tomura didn't say anything and just stared down at the ground. Suddenly he felt a hand on his back and knew it was Kurogiri. The purple misty man was trying to comfort him by rubbing his back, he was also pointing at the other boy and scolding him- saying things like "that's not how you start a conversation!" and "that's not a nice thing to be saying to somebody"

Before they knew it the other men had walked back in the room, this time without Garaki. _____ [the boss of Shie Hassaikai] then walked over to Kai and held his hand. He smiled, saying: "It's time to go, Mr.Shigaraki has something important to do." Kai's mood immediately changed and he smiled at his father. They began walking out of the room; leaving Kurogiri, All for one, and Tomura sitting there in silence. "Well, I suppose it is early enough to where I could show you the entire building!" All for one said.

Tomura then looked at his note card with the map of the building and remembered how big the building actually was. He sighed and then gave a thumbs up. All for one smiled and then walked out of the room to do something before their tour began. kurogiri then bent down so he was leveled with Tomura and began to speak. "This building is pretty big, I'm sure your legs are going to be hurting after you've walked around it." Tomura nodded, because he knew Kurogiri was right. "Shall I prepare some ice packs for you?" He asked. Shigaraki gave a small smile and said: "That would be nice, thank you."

Before they could even continue their conversation all for one walked back into the room and smiled at the two. "Kurogiri, ______- (the shei hassaikai boss) -wanted to talk to you." He then did what Tomura thought was a nod and walked out of the room. Apparently both of them had looked at each other at the same time. "Well, we better get going if we want to be done with this tour by the end of the day." All for one said, breaking the awkward silence. Tomura smiled and they began to walk out of the room. 

(I have no idea for an ending sentence just imagine them walking out of the room, the door closing, and the 'camera' sitting at the door for a minute, then it starts doing the blackout fade thing. I don't know man, it's too early for this and I can't think straight.)

[in y'all's faces! it is 12:01! technically morning! so I get the excuse to say "its too early for ____"]

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