New members

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[totally not gonna skip 11 years-] XD 

For 11 years their family pictures were just Kurogiri, all for one, and Tomura. But they were thinking it was time to add a few new people. Kurogiri called All for one over to the bar (Tomura was already sitting at the counter) in order to show them something. He had created a list of 10 people who would be willing to join their group. (In this story they are still going to have AFO's audio TV thing but they use it for regular tv and stuff-) They managed to hook their phone up to the TV and began showing pictures of the people. 

Shigaraki and All for one had already denied three of the people which annoyed kurogiri. "You didn't know anything about the last few people and already denied them! Keep that up and there will be nobody willing to join us." All for one and Tomura looked at each other and then back at Kurogiri. Because the two had known kurogiri for so long they could tell they were rolling their eyes. "I'm going to call the other 7 and tell them they can come over. I don't want to here ANY complaining."

All for one rolled his eyes and got up from the table, while Tomura just kept eating his cereal. "Also you need to stop eating cereal at three in the afternoon." Kurogiri said as he grabbed the bowl away from Tomura. All for one- who was behind the counter grabbing a bottle of alcohol -started to laugh at his son trying to get the bowl back from Kurogiri. Eventually they got distracted by AFO which gave Tomura the opportunity to grab the bowl.

Kurogiri opened a warp gate and immediately took the bottle away from the older shigaraki. "You are not getting drunk when we have guests coming in an hour!" Tomura began choking on  his cereal while the color drained from all for one's face. "AN HOUR?!?" they both yelled in unison. "Yes, I scheduled for them to visit in an hour so they could arrive before you two idiots cause any problems."

All for one sat back at the counter and then acted like nothing was wrong. He cleared his throat and then began talking. "Tell us more about these people." He said, with an innocent smile.

Kurogiri began telling their names and some information that was given about every person

(I'm not about to do information because I'm tired- but just know that Kurogiri was explaining information)

"First of all. we have grain or Kagero Okuta."

"Toga Himiko"

"Spinner//Shuichi Iguchi"

"Twice//Jin Bubaigawara"

"Mange//kenji hikiishi"

"Mister Compress//Atsuhiro sako"

"and Dabi."

Shigaraki was still looking at the screen with Dabi on it. "His record is basically non-existent... Seems strange, don't you think?" Kurogiri and All for one looked back at the screen and realized he was right. Kurogiri then looked at the time in the corner of the TV and realized how long it had been. "It's been over 50 minutes! THEY COULD GET HERE ANY MIN-" *Insert a knocking door sound* "Oh shit-..." All for one said, as Kurogiri started panicking. Tomura got up and then walked to the door. "Chill out da-... Kurogiri! I'm sure they aren't gonna mind."

His slip up seemed to calm Kurogiri down a bit. Tomura opened the door and then they realized ALL OF THEM were there. "oh shit..." Tomura said under his breath. 

In just minutes everyone was piled into the room. Kurogiri was sitting there at the bar trying not to do anything embarrassing, while All for one, Tomura, and all of the others were just awkwardly staring at each other. The Dabi guy decided to break the silence by pointing something out that was rather offensive. "Damn, y'all are ugly-" 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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