Fight! [Part 2]

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Okay, sorry I didn't update on Friday last time... =w= Because I had to do something very special for my friend that is going to Texas okay?? =w= But after this, I'll try and post the next chapter this Friday okay? I don't know how that would work out, but ISHALL DO MY BEST!


In the previous chapter...

Luka: Gumi... I shall show you that you messed with the wrong person.

And now for the thrilling climax!!!

Gumi's POV

Yesterday's plans was a huge success! I cut off Luka from Gakupo and maybe they would fight a little too! Everything is going smoothly...Though I never knew that Luka would back down so quickly. I guess I overestimated her a bit.

Then I saw Gakupo's long shining hair from the corner of my eye. I immediatly turned to him. "Gakupo-senpai!!! Ohiy---"

I saw Luka standing right next to him holding his arm close to her. "Oh, Gumi-san... Ohiyo." She smiled at me.

Haha... seems like she still has some fighting spirit.

I walked over to them. "Wow!! It's so rare to see you two even get close to each other... It's like you two are a real couple now!" I smiled back. 

"Why thank you!!! There's a rat hanging around him, so I decided to protect him these days." She responded, not even changing her expression.

"Oh!! Yeah, I think the rat is right next to him..." I said not backing down either.

Narrator: And this firey compitition continues...

Gakupo's POV

I watched, a bit scared as a firey aura took both of them.

"U-Um, guys... looks like we have to go to class...." I said.

"Okay, then!" Luka started to drag me to my classroom.

Then Gumi started to take the other arm. "Gakupo, we better hurry!"

Luka started to glare daggers at Gumi and there was that sharp aura again.

Great... This is going to take a while... 

During Lunch

I sat together with Gumi and Luka. I try not to get into their fight, but they always drag me in it.

After school, it got worst.

After School

"You know, I think you little [Beep] should move aside. Because Gakupo does not want to see your ugly little face." Luka smiled.

"Well, well, well. Look who's talking. Clearly Gakupo only wants to see me. I mean you are [beep]ing clinging onto his arm, so I was worried it Gakupo is going to lose blood circulation." She smiled back.


"Guys, stop." I tried to say with my most serious face. "Stop fighting. I'm sick of it already. Just leave me alone."

I took my arm away from both of them. They looked at me with an astonished look.

I need a break....

I sighed as I walked away from them, because they were still arguing.


I sighed sitting next to a tree at a park. Sometimes... I really don't understand women...

I already knew that the girl Gumi liked me, but I don't really want to hurt her feelings saying that she can't be around me because of my girlfriend.

Then Luka started getting aggressive... I don't know... I just love her so much. Even if we don't look like girlfriend and boyfriend... I mean, I was never the type of person who would go for the girl with looks.

Sure, Luka looks fine and all, but that's not the reason why I chose her. I chose her because of the first time we met. From her appearance, I can see that she was hardworking girl that supported her family.

I respected Luka for that. I also love her for that.

I buried my face in my hands and sighed.

Luka's POV

After we stopped arguing, I got really worried about Gakupo. Where was he? What if he started to hate me because of this?

I was really stressed out, and I still couldn't focus during work. I kept on making mistakes, so my kind boss decided to give me an early day.

It was around sunset, and I slowly walked home in the sunset. There, I saw Gakupo sitting next to a tree sighing to himself. I got a little frightened. I didn't want him to hate me. But... 

"Gakupo." I strode towards him briskly.

He looked up at me surprised by my voice. "Luka... What are you doing here in this time?"

"I want you to answer me clearly." I said in a low voice. "You love me?"

The trees swayed slowly and the soft glow of the sunset illuminated both of our faces. Some leaves fell from the trees...

"Of course I do. I love you more than anything in the world." He replied staring right back at me. 

I was bit surprised by the sudden bold answer. My cheeks heatened up a little. 

"O-Okay..." I tried to look away, hiding my embarrassment.

Gakupo smiled. "Are you embarrassed?"

"O-of course I'm not!!! I-I was just a bit surprised..." I stuttered.


Then I felt his arms wrap around me.

"Don't worry Luka. I love you more than anyone. No one can replace you in my heart... So you don't have to worry at all." He whispered into my ear.

I blushed even more and pressed my head onto his chest. 

Listening to his deep breathing... Feeling his heart beating right at my ear. I was so relaxed.

"..." Suddenly, he pushed me away.


"I-I'm sorry!!! I just..." He looked away, his face red from embarrassment.

"Huh? It's... fine? I mean, I was embarrassed too, and it was relaxing..." I said unsurly.

"No... It's not that... I'm afraid that if we hugged any longer, I won't be able to control myself...." He said, looking away, covering his mouth.


"W-What??? You've been... trying to control yourself?!" I said astonished.

"Yeah... It's hard... you know? Being a boy and all..." Gakupo said slowly.

I backed away a few steps. "Okay...."

Narrator: Yup~ =w= It's like a wild beast, ready to strike out any moment, so watch yourself Luka~ XD

S-still.... I'm pretty happy that he said he loved me. This way, I can continue my work in peace....

Jikai!! [Next] What happens? Is it the end for Gumi? Or will she try even harder??? >:3 Find out in the next week!!!

There will be a new start in the next... next? chapter? Something like that!! >:3 So, look forward to it guyz! [Sorry for the late update]

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