wedding night 💑

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Aditi's pov:

I fall into my bed snuggling into my blanket as soon as we were back at hotel. I let out a big sigh , it was really hard for me to pretend like Nothing happed  .

Tears started building in my eyes , cause I am still traumatized. I let it out freely cause there was no one around to judge me now, I cried I cried so hard ! Continously sobbing and trying to catch my breath.
I hugged my pillow tight and my body was shaking , yeah I was having a panic attack, but suddenly someone wrapped their hands around me hugging me tight .

??: shhh! Its fine you are safe !  I am here .

once I was clamed he broke the hug .

Me : what are you doing here Jin?

Jin : I was here to check on you and I am glad that I came .

Me : t...thank you. It m..means a l..lot!

Jin : no need of thanks , are you feeling better now ?

He said handing me a bottle of water , I took some sips and nodded

Me : yeah much better .

Jin : im glad to hear that. Now Go and change then I will thug you in bed okay ?

Me : I am so tired I don't wanna leave my bed .

I said laying back down on the bed and closed my eyes .

Jin's pov:

She layed back on the bed , I sat there just staring at her . She is still wearing her hot reveling dress. I was trying hard to just keep my eyes on her face and not roam on her body .

Me : okay sleep well aditi , I will leave now .

I was about to stand up but she grabbed my hand.

Aditi : please don't go Jin!

Jin : b..but ....

Aditi : please untill I fall asleep.

She looked at me with lots hopes in her eyes , I let out a big sigh and nodded. She smiled and snuggled close to me hugging my hand . I just stayed there admiring her beauty while she sleeps .

After few minutes, my body started  getting numb , I tried to free my hand from her grip , thinking that she is asleep but she opened her eyes and looked at me .

Aditi: please don't go .

She murmur and closed her eyes again , what should I do now ? My back hurts I groned and layed beside her cause that was a only way , she looked at me sleeping beside her and smiled and hugged me more tight and I did the same . Why would I miss the chance to keep her close to me ?

I rested my cheek on her head and she snuggled more into the crook of my neck her warm breaths lightly tickling my skin giving me goosebumps all over my body . This made me so happy and calm.
I am so glad that we found her on time , if we didn't I can't even imagine what could have happened to his pure soul.
Soon she was snoring, I looked at her looking so pretty and peaceful while sleeping in my arms . a smile crept on my lips. I kissed her forehead and hugged her waist pulling her more close to me. My heart started beating  fast , I have never felt so alive and free , I have never felt so happy.

I have heard , that love only comes in a lifetime . And now I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine ❤.

I am so glad that the girl I love is aditi .
I chuckled and closed my eyes , as I was drifting to sleep someone catched my attention, by clearing his throat. I opened my eyes and scanned the room and saw him standing near the bed.
He opened his mouth to say something but I signaled him to keep quiet. And he obeyed, I tried to free myself carefully from aditi without waking her up and I was successful but as soon as I got out of bed she groned roming her hand on the side where I was, I chuckled and caressed her hairs .

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