1. The call up

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I’m Danielle Scott (no relation to Alex or Jill) I’m 25 years old. The team I currently play for is Aston Villa. I’ve been with them since my academy days. Although I was born and bred in Birmingham. My heart will always belong to another team. My dream is to play for them. Hopefully one day that dream will come true but for now my current dream is to play for the lionesses at the home euros. I have been in the England set up since 2017. I never had much playing time under Phil Neville the previous manager but hopefully now I will be in the plans of our current coach Sarina Weigman.

It’s the last day of England camp. The current roster has too many players for the euros squad. We all know Sarina will be having 1 on 1 meetings with every player to tell us who has made the squad. Throughout the camp I have given my all and left everything out on the training pitches and in the gym all I can do is hope.
Sarina has just started the one on ones. We are all sitting in the hub playing games, chatting or watching tv anything to keep ourselves as calm as possible while we wait. Leah was called first. We all know she is in the squad as she has been announced as the New England lionesses captain. I’m actually proud of her. We have known each other a long time. We came up through the ages together with England. When she comes out others are starting to be called. Leah comes over to me as I’m sitting on my own. She knows I’m stressing as I always do. She’s been my friend since we were 14 years old.
“Hey, what’s up?” She said

I reply with a look. She knew that look very well. No words were said at all.

“I figured you would be like this. You need to remember you have done everything you can to get to where you are today. Whatever happens you should be proud of yourself” Leah says.

“I am proud but this is my dream. You understand that. It’s yours to. Whether I’m there in the squad or not. I will be supporting you all the way” I said to her with a small smile.

She smiled back “I know that Dani. Your one of my best friends. You are beyond loyal”

That was when I was called in for my meeting with Sarina. I got up looked back at Leah. She mouthed good luck to me with a smile. I thanked her and walked to Sarinas office.
I took a deep breath and thought it’s now or never so I knocked 3 times on the door. Not long after this Sarina opened the door. Held her hand out for me to shake which I did of course.

While she said “Afternoon Dani, come in and take a seat”

I replied “Afternoon Sarina” and took the seat opposite her.

She had 2 chairs facing each other there was no desk in between. So it felt more comfortable for the players or so I thought. Sarina started speaking. My heart was pounding so hard. I tried so hard not to show my nerves.
“So Dani as you know. These meetings are about the squad that has been chosen for this years euros. Before that I need to tell you how impressed I’ve been with you over the last 6 months that’s at camps and also at Aston Villa. You have definitely upped your game and your attitude towards the game has gone up tenfold” she waited for what felt like hours but was in real time 30 seconds “with that being said I’m telling you that you are in my 23-player squad for the euros. I have to take you. You are a strong player but also you have become one of the leaders in the squad”

I replied “thank you so much for including me. I will not let you down. I will give my everything for you and for this team”
“Go tell your friends. I will see you in a week for the start of our preparations”
“Thanks Sarina. I’ll see you soon”
With that I left the office closing the door behind me. I stopped not 3 feet outside and I had to take in what I had just been told. I had always dreamt of it and I worked hard but I couldn’t actually believe I was in the squad. My first thought was that I had to tell Leah, Beth and Lucy. They were my closest friends not just in the squad but also in my life.

I walked back to the hub and luckily for me my 3 best friends were on one of the sofas chatting. I walked over to them and sat next to Lucy. They had already been to their meetings and were in the squad.
Beth said as soon as I sat down “so are you in”

I said “yeah I’m in” I had tears in my eyes.

Lucy put a hand around my shoulder and said “you deserve this mate. You are a special player” I thanked her with a soft look and a smile.

Leah then said “I had no doubt in my mind. I knew you would make it. I have seen you play for over ten years and this last couple you have really come into your own. You know who you are as a player and what you need to do for the team whether it’s the lionesses or with Villa”

 I replied “thanks Le. You have no idea how much that means to me”

Dani Scott at the womens Euros 2022- A Leah Williamson storyWhere stories live. Discover now