The aftermath

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It had been a couple of days since the Norway game. I was still upset with what Leah did and we haven’t shared a bed since either. She’s been coming back to the room quite late and leaving early. I don’t know if she has that much work to do or if she is avoiding me. I actually think the latter but I would only find out when I see her.

We have training after breakfast. We are doing some passing and shooting drills then we have the gym. I love the gym I can just put my earphones in and get lost in what I’m doing and I think that is what I need right now.

I showered and put my training kit on by this time it was breakfast. I went down and as I got there, I saw Leah sitting with Beth, Lucy, Kiera, Georgia and Ella and I would assume after Alessia gets her breakfast she will sit with them as well. I got my breakfast and probably did something that no one was expecting I don’t even think that I had planned on it either. I took it to go with my coffee. I wasn’t in the head space to talk to anyone this morning.  

I went back to my room and drank my coffee I couldn’t even stomach the breakfast.

Just then I heard a knock at the door. I didn’t want to answer then I heard a voice “come on Dani its me” I needed to talk to someone and I’m glad that it was Lucy that came to check on me. I opened the door and let Lucy in.

I said “hey”

she replied “hey, what’s going on. No one downstairs has a clue”

I sat down on the bed. Lucy sat next to me.

I said “I’m sure one of them does as she has been avoiding me for the past 2 days” Lucy never said anything just looked at me knowing I would continue “Me and Leah told each other that we like one another. This was before movie night. We were getting closer behind closed doors. Our conversations were different and we would cuddle. But then after the Norway game she gave her shirt to Jordan which I was upset about. We haven’t even spoken about it. I thought I meant more to her than that. But clearly, I was wrong”

Lucy then spoke “She cares about you Dan. I saw her look after you when you walked out of the breakfast hall”

“So why are you here and not her”

She then said “I don’t know, only she can answer that. You two really need to talk”

“I know Luce but how. She’s always busy”

“Let me see what I can do. I will text you later to arrange something” Lucy said

“I’m not sure what your going to do but you can try”

she looked at the time and said “come on or we will be late for training”

We left the room together and made our way to the pitch. Beth and a couple of the other girls checked on me but I just said I had a headache and needed some quiet time. I’m not sure Beth believed it but she didn’t question me. The other girls did believe me though but they don’t know me like Beth, Lucy and Leah.

We complete pitch training. My head isn’t really in it and Sarina notices. After the session she asks me to stay behind to talk.

Everyone leaves to go to the gym.

There is just me and Sarina left on the pitch we start taking a slow walk inside.

Sarina asks “You haven’t been your usual self today Dani, Is everything ok” I know its her job to notice things like this but I wasn’t gonna tell her the truth so instead I said “I just woke up with a really bad headache I haven’t been able to shift it with Paracetamol so it was just bothering me. I thought I would be ok for the session then I could see the doc and get something a bit stronger” “Next time tell me or one of the coaches we will be able to get you something sooner” Sarina said “Sorry boss. I will” I said

Dani Scott at the womens Euros 2022- A Leah Williamson storyWhere stories live. Discover now