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I lay down on my bed, it's around 10:00 a clock and the moon is shining brighter than ever. I change into a plain shirt and shorts. I wonder how it will be like in San Francisco with all of us together. I set my timer so that way I can wake up early and pack my things for the trip. We plan on going by the ocean (Percy insisted) and just chilling. I hope nothing bad will happen this summer. For demigods it's hard to have a normal summer.
I hear a knock at the door I don't know who it is but I don't answer. Listen I'm already in bed and whoever is knocking on my door probably doesn't have anything good to say. They knock again this time more loudly. "I'm sleeping!" I shout. Then the knocking stop. Thank goodness they left I wouldn't be able to sleep if they kept knocking. I finally was able to go to sleep. Weirdly I didn't have a bad dream which I normally get.
I woke up with a startle. It was around midnight. The door to my cabin was opened and standing above me was Will (my boyfriend). "Wh-what are you doing here Will" I say in a nervous and stuttered voice. "What are you doing with that." Will wasn't happy even though he was smiling, it was a vengeful smile like he was getting revenge or like he was doing something he shouldn't. He was holding a syringe right to my neck. In the syringe the mixture was colored a lime green. "So I see you think that guy from the Hermes cabin is hot, am I right" Will says in a voice I can't even describe. "I-I don't know what your talking about." How did he know I even talked to that guy. "Don't play dumb with me Nico. I know you think the guy was so dreamy and besides you can't like two people who are named Will." Before I spoke I realized he was holding something else in his hand, ropes but not just any ropes. The ropes looked like they had been enchanted or something. "Listen I don't even know-" Before I could even finish my sentence he started tying my arms together then my feet. "WHAT THE HECK WILL!" I screamed. He put his arm on my mouth, as always it was warm. I tried screaming but nothing would sound loud because of his hand. "If you shut your mouth nothing will happen now calm down" he said. I stopped trying to yell but I wasn't calm. I kept moving around in my bed but no use. I completely forgot I had powers but right when I was about to use them Will injected the syringe into my neck. All of the sudden I couldn't use my powers. So now I was basically trapped. Will took his arm off my mouth but before I got to scream he put ducted tape on my mouth. "Why are you doing this" I said though you couldn't really hear it. Apparently he understood though because he said "I'm doing this so that way you will never leave my sight again." I couldn't understand still. What was he going to do kidnap me. I guess I was right though because he started to pick me up from my bed. Soon I was in his arms still struggling. All I know is that whatever was in that liquid sure made me feel week because after a few seconds I felt drained like I just ran a marathon. It was silent the whole time apart from my muffled scream.
Soon we got to his car. He drove a white Subaru that glittered in the moon and sun light. It was one of those Subarus that you couldn't miss. It could probably blind you. He opened the car door and stuffed me in the car. Not going to lie the seats were very comfortable that I would've slept but getting kidnapped by your own lover it was really hard to sleep. Right before he closed the door he put a blindfold over me. He opened the door of the car where the drivers seat was and started to turn on the car. At least that's what I thought. I still couldn't believe this was happening. Finally I said "Stop what do you think your doing" still muffled but more clearer then last time. Before he starts driving he turns over to look at me. He reaches his hand out and touches my face. "You'll understand soon" he says then turns away.

My Savior, My Lover, Will SolaceWhere stories live. Discover now