Chapter 1

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My family was crazy about me going to college but my family wasn't rich. My family was never going to be able to pay for my tuition so I had to do everything I could to get a scholarship. I was a
straight A student athlete I did good in school I had to. My parents were strict they needed to be so that I remained the perfect kid with the perfect grades. I love my parents I really do but I didn't want to waste my childhood and high school years trying to get good grades and studying like my brother did. My parents wanted success but they didn't know how hard they pushed me and my brother they also didn't know when to stop pushing us.

When I was offered a scholarship to study abroad in Italy my family forced me to go. Don't get me wrong Italy sounds amazing but it sounds harder stricter and I didn't know the language. I didn't want to leave my whole family and my best friend Mia behind.

My parents wanted me to go they knew it would look good on college applications and I would be able to learn a new language which would also look good when applying for college. Mia also wanted me to go. She told me that I would be free no parents. I could finally live the life I wanted and have fun. And I would be able to escape take a break and try and forget all that has happened recently. She was right I had to go I could have fun make memories I just had to get good grades and I needed a break.

I was scared though. What if no one liked me. And school was harder there. Over the years getting good grades had become natural for me but what if In Europe I wasn't able to get good grades. Mia told me not to care that yes I was in Italy to get into college but that if I didn't have straight As it didn't matter as long as I was making memories and having fun. She was right again.

We spent the next few weeks buying cute clothes for me to ware in Italy and spending time together. I also spent my last few weeks studying Italian. I wanted to be able to communicate a little when I got there so I wasn't completely lost.

Today was the day that I was leaving. I was at the airport and I had to accept the fact that I'm going to be on my own.

"This is goodbye, I'm gonna miss you Arianna" Mia said pulling me into a big hug.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Mia" I said not wanting to end our hug

"Aw sweetie your gonna do wonderful things" my mom said pulling me into another hug. Tears started to form in my eyes.

"Straight As or you coming home, got it remember why we're doing this foreign exchange program in the first place" My dad said

"I got it"

My dad wasn't one for that I love you stuff he was never one to believe in love or show his emotions he wanted practical and to him that's not what love is.

I walked into the airport and waved goodbye to my family. Italy here I come.


Im not the biggest fan of Authors notes so I won't do one in every chapter. This is my first ever Watt-pad so it might be a little cringe. Please comment anything you'd want me to write about in this story and any corrections or advice you have for me. Thank you so much for reading my story!!!

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