Embers Of Love

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Hestia found herself ensnared by forbidden emotions. She had watched Percy from afar, captivated by his bravery and kindness. The years passed, and her infatuation only grew stronger, yet she concealed her feelings, afraid of the consequences they might bring.

At camp, Percy noticed Hestia's elusive behavior, her eyes often lingering on him before she'd quickly look away. He found it endearing but never questioned her actions. Their interactions remained limited, a passing glance or a nod of acknowledgement.

Years later, the war against the giants loomed over them. Percy faced a near-fatal encounter, his life hanging in the balance. In the hospital, as he lay unconscious, Hestia couldn't resist the overwhelming surge of emotions any longer. She approached his bedside, her voice trembling with vulnerability as she confessed her love. She knew he couldn't hear her, but she needed to release the weight that burdened her soul.

Another year passed, and the war against the giants and titans was won. A grand celebration was held at Mount Olympus to commemorate their victory. The gods reveled in their success, mingling and indulging in festivities. However, Hestia remained reclusive, choosing to distance herself from the jubilant crowd. She had always been overlooked, her presence fading into the background.

Secluded in a quiet corner, Hestia found solace next to a hearth, the flames dancing before her. She thought she would spend the night in tranquil solitude until a voice disrupted her thoughts.

"Mind if I join you?"

She looked up, surprised to find Percy standing before her. He had grown into a fine young man, resembling Poseidon in his youthful glory. Hestia managed a nod, her heart pounding as he crouched down beside her and extended his hands over the fire. They sat in comfortable silence, unspoken words filling the air. Hestia cherished the quiet companionship, reveling in the presence of the man she held dear.

Minutes stretched into eternity as the noise of the celebration slowly died down. The gods began departing to their respective domains, leaving Hestia and Percy alone. A voice called for Percy, fellow campers beckoning him to join them. He rose to his feet, but before he left, he placed a gentle hand on Hestia's shoulder, wordlessly expressing his acknowledgement and care.

Hestia smiled, secretly flattered by the simple gesture. In that fleeting moment, she felt seen and valued, even if it was just for a brief interlude. As Percy left Olympus, she remained seated by the hearth, the warmth of the fire mirroring the ember of love that burned within her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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