Chapter 14

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I hobbled out of the car, Reid as my support even though I told him I could walk fine on my own

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I hobbled out of the car, Reid as my support even though I told him I could walk fine on my own. He wouldn't budge and forced me to let him help. I leaned into him and Alyssa opened the front door for me.

The doctor informed me that nothing was broken and my knee would just bruise for a little bit. He recommended putting ice over it and sent me home with a doctor's note saying I can take a day off of work to recover.

Reid sat me down at the corner of the couch. Going into the kitchen he came out with a pack of ice wrapped in a cloth and placed it gently on my injured knee. Alyssa sat on the couch opposite me. She watched him turn on the tv and then sit down beside me, propping my legs on his lap.

I gaped, beginning to move my legs when he grabbed them and steadied them. "You're going to make the pain even worse if you move like that." He warned, sending me a look.

I blew out a breath and relaxed them. A ring went off in the room and all heads turned to Alyssa whose phone went off. "Oh, it's my boyfriend!" She smiled, climbing off the couch and moving to the other side of the house.

I rolled my eyes as she ran to answer his call, one thing about that girl is that she loves her man. They aren't even together, she just calls him that in hopes it'll come true one day.

I tried to keep my focus on the tv before me, SpongeBob was playing, the old episodes, and I couldn't help but laugh at Patrick's stupidness. He held the large M in his hand mumbling a bunch of jumbo.

The ice being lifted off my knee threw my attention to Reid's hands as he traced his fingers across the purple skin. My breath hitched in my throat as my body burned from his gentle touch. He kissed his teeth, placing the pack back on.

"This is my fault I'm sorry," he said, cradling my lower leg with his hand and swiping his thumb across my skin mindlessly.

"What? How?" I asked dumbfounded.

He sighed, leaning back into the couch. "If I didn't take you there this would have never happened. Plus Taylor is my friend and she hurt you."

"It was just an accident, Reid, I don't feel any different or mad so neither should you," I shrugged. I don't see what the big deal was, it's just me.

"Still," he said to me his eyes catching mine. "I'm sorry."

I felt my heart melt into a warm puddle in my chest. Why does he even care so much? I just nodded my head in thanks and turned back to the tv. I tried to breathe regularly as I felt his hot gaze on me. It slowly began to feel like the room was getting smaller.

Reid lifted the ice pack again, cold air brushing against my skin. A few minutes later he sat it back down the coldness of the pack burning the area.

He continued the process for the rest of the night until I fell asleep peacefully. I awoke the next morning, my leg propped up on a pillow and the ice pack lying on my knee, the ice now melted.

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