CIH [ 2 ]

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I don't know what was happening, I felt like my soul was getting extracted from my body in a blood-thirsty way. I couldn't feel a thing yet I felt this massive pressure on my body. I was confused, Everything became dark there was no sense of time at all, I couldn't tell if this process was going either slow or very fast; I just don't know.

Anyway, let me introduce myself. My name is Camila Cabello, And truth to be told, I think I just died in a car accident with my other girls.

Still, I could not open my eyes and all I felt was this hot feeling, but not a warm feeling; no just this hot painful feeling. It was dark, and I felt my feet touching the burning soil. My breathing became heavier as I felt little things crawling over my body. "Oh god no," I whispered to myself, I tried to open my eyes but I just couldn't.

"Camila," A deep voice said. My heart literally skipped a beat, am I alive? What's going on? Where am I?

"Camila, Camila," The voice repeated. "I am satan," The voice shouted angrily at me.

Wait. Am I in hell? Oh fuck.. that makes sense.

"Thanks for choosing me over Jesus," He laughed. It was a very scary laugh, the ones you hear when little possessed girls laugh in horror movies, just something like that but with a deeper voice.

"Fuck you ugly motherfucker," I heard someone shout. It was a girl's voice and it was raspy yet hot. I wish I could see who it was.

"Lauren Jauregui, my other worshipper," Satan laughed.

Lauren! That's when it hit me,  I immediately could open my eyes and I saw that I was surrounded by fire, But somehow even though it was hot I couldn't tell if I was burning too.

"Lauren," I shouted as I ran to her and embraced her in a hug. "Are we dead?" I asked her.

Lauren nodded.

"Why are we in hell though?" I asked.

"Is it because we're gay?" I asked Satan.

"I am not gay!" Lauren shouted.

"Sure," I rolled my eyes. "If you weren't gay you wouldn't watch lesbian porn on your room in your own."

"What?" Lauren shouted. "You caught me on that? Shit I'm busted." She said as she buried her face in her hands.

"Ha! So you've been watching lesbian porn," I chuckled. "I literally lied, thanks for conforming it though."

Lauren was about to punch me until Satan coughed.

"Oh hey," I said as I began to remember that we were literally standing in hell.

"Why aren't you scared of me?" Satan said almost dissapointed.

"Who? You?" I asked.

"Yes! Who else?" Satan said as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh, Why would I be scared. I don't care," I said and hugged Lauren again. "I'm glad I'm stuck here with my beautiful lesbian," That was the truth. She was all I needed in this place.

"Shut up," Lauren said. "Because you're bisexual and I am obviously straight doesn't mean you can call me a lesbian,"

"We're in here because we're gay," I shouted at her. "Why else would we be here?"

Satan coughed again.

"Let me explain," He said. "Well, Camila you basically sold your soul to me, remember?"

My eyes widened. Did I really do something like that?

"Yes, You did Camila," He said. "It's not because you're gay or anything. There are alot of gay people in heaven, you're just too dumb to sell your own soul alongside with Lauren's"

"With mine?!" Lauren shouted angrily. "Why mine?! What did you do you delusional freak?"

I forced a smile as I remembered what I did. "Well basically," I said biting my lips. "I sold my soul for you to be gay for me, however you didn't act gay towards me so I also sold your soul. You still acted straight so I figured you were just hiding your sexuality."

"That explains why I want to fuck y-.." Lauren mumbled as her cheeks turned red. "I mean, Oh! I hate you Camila Cabello," Lauren shouted.

She's so gay.

Satan shrugged. "Have fun in hell," He said and dismissed us.

"I am bored," I yawned as I heard someone yelling, there's probably a fight somewhere.

"Let's go," I said as I grabbed Lauren's hand.

"You're going to pay for this," Lauren glared at me.

"Sure Felicia," I said as I rolled my eyes.

Camren in HellWhere stories live. Discover now