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(Y/Ns POV)

Red told the others not to kill me and thankfully they listened. I helped Red with tasks like feeding Orange, making sure Green didn't have anything to trip over, polishing Blue's crown, and making sure Purple spent some time outside of the vents. One day I was walking through the halls picking up anything that could cause Green to trip when I saw Purple. "Hey Purple." I say as I crouch down next to the vent. Purple seemed a bit surprised at first but then was his usual self. "Oh hey Y/N." He says looking up at me. "I'm still sorry about trying to kill you the day you arrived." He says sadly. "How many times do I have to tell you this Purple, you were just doing what you always do." I say smiling at the vent dwelling Rainbow Friend. Purple was silent for a moment before he spoke again. "Yeah I just feel bad since you're so nice to us even after we tried to kill you." He says with a sigh. "Purple, if I was any other person I wouldn't be so forgiving, trust me." I say looking at the ground. "Now I better go feed Orange before he get's inpatient." I say standing up. I waved to Purple as I made my way to Orange's Hideout.  "Y/N WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!!!" Orange shouts running over to me. "Sorry Orange, I stopped to chat with Purple for a moment." I say walking over to the contraption that feeds Orange. I pulled the lever and food was dispensed into a dog bowl. Orange immediately rushed over and began devouring the food. I pat Orange on his head before leaving. Sure I was being held here against my will, but it wasn't actually that bad. The Rainbow Friend's are actually really nice once you get to know them. I walked into the theater to find Blue and Green hanging out. "Hey guys." I say walking over to them. "Hey Y/N." Blue says his smile growing wider. I sat next to Green who was apparently telling a story that he was told when he was younger. The three of us laughed at the funny parts of the story and cried at the sad parts. "Wow Green that story was amazing." I say with a smile even though Green couldn't see the smile. "Yeah it was always one of my favorites." Green says with a sigh. There was always a burning question in my mind and that was how did the Rainbow Friend's come to be. I was about to ask when Red walked into the room. "Y/N I need your help with something in my office." He said calmly. "Oh ok, talk to you later guys." I say waving to Blue and patting Green on the shoulder before leaving.  As I walked with Red to his office that question kept driving me crazy. I had to ask it now. "Hey Red." I say gaining the Red Rainbow Friend's attention. "How exactly did you guys become the Rainbow Friend's?" I ask. Red stops walking and stands there in silence. I stopped and looked back at him confused. He looked like he was contemplating if he should tell me or not. "It's best you find out another day Y/N." He says in a sad voice. I was a bit concerned about his answer. 'Why would it be best to find out another time?' I thought.

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