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In the vast expanse of the enigmatic and intricate tapestry of life, the pursuit of meaning proved to be an arduous task for most. However, there were those for whom vengeance had consumed every fibre of their being, leaving behind a void that swallowed everything in its wake. For Aqua, this insatiable thirst for retribution had become an all-consuming force, dominating every aspect of his existence.

Having exacted his revenge upon the man who had mercilessly stolen the only flicked of warmth in his desolate and merciless reality, a strange emptiness settled within him. The act of murder had offered a fleeting moment of vindication, a fleeting semblance of satisfaction, but it was as ephemeral as a wisp of smoke, dissipating into the ether before he could even muster a smile.

Kneeling upon the unforgiving, icy floor, stained crimson with the evidence of his vengeful retribution, Aqua cast his gaze upon the lifeless figure sprawled before him. The once vibrant vessel now lay devoid of all vitality, an inert shell devoid of purpose. How had he ever dared to believe that bitter revenge could breathe life back into his numb and emotionless soul. The realisation struck him with an unfathomable weight, its magnitude sinking deep into the recesses of his tormented being.

Void of all purpose, Aqua tightly gripped the bloody knife, placing its sharp edge near his chest. Recounting the memories of both his past and current life, his head was cloudded only by Ai; her contagious smile, energetic dances, silky sapphire hair, but most of all, her eyes. Each delicate flicker of light danced within their depths, casting a mesmerising spell upon any who encountered their enchanting gaze. Their allure lay not solely in their radiant sparkle, but in the profound emotions they effortlessly conveyed–that behind the jaunty Ai her fans had adored, lay someone who found genuine love and care for her children. A rare innocence that only some could embody, a pure meaningful conviction in which she could dedicate her life to. Despite the thousands of facades and the lies and deceits she cast to endure the pain of reality, the kindness of her soul still remained even in the presence of a cruelty that didn't deserve it.

Overcome by the solace of her image, Aqua clung desperately to the hope that, perhaps, laying his eyes on Ai was the only way to find bliss. Digging the knife deeper into his aching flesh piercing through skin and muscle, a burst of velvet blood coated the blade in a vivid hue. His fractured heart beating faster and faster in despondence and deep anguish. Anger and rage collapsing onto his shattered soul and choking him. Death's unyielding grip was suffocating.

Was dying this painful?

Why did he still feel so frustrated?

Did he truly want his life to end

or was he clinging onto something?


He was clinging onto someone, but who was it?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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