Chapter 8✨✨

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(This song is so soothing to me especially the male cover this chapter involves lots of Vinney but it is mainly about Mrs. Arellano adopts Finney and Gwen but Gwen chooses to live with a friend except she isn't adopted by them she is by Mrs. Arellano although they don't live together actually ignore some of that just read!)

|Finney's POV|

I decided that maybe I should apologize to Robin for telling Bruce but it seems like that may not be necessary because I guess it worked out for me and them so maybe not haha! The phone began to ring so I picked it up and it was Mrs. Arellano!! "Hello?" Hey Finn, cariño, ¿puedes poner a Robin al teléfono?"(translate:Finn, honey, can you get Robin on the phone?) "Yes ma'am!! One moment!" I heard her hum in response but I was happy because Mrs. Arellano is my favorite adult that I know! "ROBIN YOUR MOTHER WANTS TO TALK!" It took a few moments but I heard him shout back "OKAY!!" He sounded extra happy probably because he just to spend time with his new boyfriend haha but when he saw me he beamed instead of telling Vance anything but also for some reason he wouldn't say why not even when he got the phone! Odd. Welp!

|Robin's POV|

Me and Bruce were hanging out and sometimes making out but then when we were talking I heard Finn shout to me "ROBIN YOUR MOTHER WANTS TO TALK!!" He is always happy around my family and it makes me happy to know that he trusts me with everything! I saw him and got even more happy because recently my mom found out about what Terrance has been doing to Finn and Gwen and she and I and even my uncle refuse to call him their dad!! "Oye mamá, ¿qué pasa? Por cierto, tenemos mucho de qué hablar, ¡pero tú vas primero!!" (Translation:Hey mom, what's up? By the way, we have a lot to talk about, but you go first!) "¡Oye cariño! Estoy tan feliz de saber que tienes buenas noticias, ¡pero tengo mejores noticias! ¡Voy a adoptar a Finn y Gwen y será pronto porque hablé con Terrance y él sabe que no puede ser un buen padre para ellos! ¡Lo que significa que tendrás un hermano y yo otro hijo! ¡Gwen y yo tuvimos una conversación sobre que la adoptaré pero ella puede vivir con su amiga!" (Translate: Hey honey! I am so happy to know that you have good news, but I have better news! I am going to adopt Finn and Gwen and it will be soon because I talked to Terrance and he knows he can't be a good father to them! Which means you'll have a brother and I'll have another child! Gwen and I had a conversation about I'm adopting her but she gets to live with her friend!) I started bouncing with joy with how happy I was "Really! Are you Positive!!" The other boys looked at me but I got more and more happy "Mhm!" I was overjoyed to much it was crazy! "One sec mamá I have to celebrate in place right now!!!" "Okay!" I set the phone down and began just going everywhere and being so so excited about this!! I even ran up to Finn and hugged him so so close he hugged back but was so confused I didn't care because he will know soon! I felt like I was gonna sky rocket I picked up the phone again "¿¡Puedo decirle a Finn!? ¿¡¿Puedo, puedo, puedo?!?!?!?" (Translate: Can I tell Finn?! Can I, can I, can I?!?!) "I heard a happy sigh but I also heard a hum of approval " But let me talk with him about it soon just say a hint or something! " "¡Bien! ¡Adiós, mamá, hablaremos pronto o traeré a Finn a la casa!" (Translate: Good! Bye mom, we'll talk soon or I'll bring Finn home!) "I know a bit of Spanish and small sentences but not all I am so confused Robin" I turned to Finn and smiled more than was if that was possible "Finn I have a surprise but I can't tell so I will hint in Spanish!" "O-ok?" I smiled again took him to another room away from the other boys "¡Di adiós a Terrance, no te hará más daño!" (Translate: Say goodbye to Terrance, he won't hurt you anymore!) "¡En serio! ¿Estaré finalmente a salvo de él?" (Translate: Oh Really!? Am I gonna to be safe from him?!) I nodded excited "By the way good job your learning Spanish even better!" "Thank you but back to the topic!" He started bouncing with joy and happiness and even had to hug me "Hey! Hey! Hey! How about we celebrate where we don't break anything k? And also if you start crying of happiness that may be interpreted wrong by Vance and get me killed!" "Oh yeah!" He was already tearing up but we were so happy a soon as we exited the room he was bouncing! He looked so happy! "Finn if you don't relax your excitment I will get to more excited and cry to!" "But Robin you of all people know how happy I should be!" I know but I was already almost crying! Plus I already get happy!!" "Yeah but this is literally saving me so it is life changing in the best way!!" "Oh yeah! But ¿Olvidaste que no sabes todo esto, así que solo sabes que él no puede lastimarte más? asi que en caso de que estes libre de el!!!" (translate: Did you forget that you don't know all this, so you only know that he can't hurt you anymore? so in case you are free of him!!!) "Yes which is still awesome as is!" I paused for a moment "Hey Finn?" He paused by the tone "Yessss?" How much Spanish can you understand?" A lot not all because I am learning still! Why?" 'Well Fuck!' Wait! "Hold on! I forgot that this is a room full of people who are very confused about this! Alright! So!" I spun to face to boys in the room being Vance and Bruce but now Billy and Griffin because they were further away yet were still confused. "Okay so I need everyone here!" The two came closer into the room And then I chose to make a plan! "Everyone sit down onto the couch please! So I can say something and no Finn I will not say everything but I will say a bit!" "No wait before you do because I am already gonna cry of happiness may as well hug someone!" Finn ran over Vance and hugged him tight and Vance snuggled him close! Perfect! "Still not fair that only Finn get hugs whenever but fine!" Vance shrugged and helheld him closer! Hehehehe gay! "Now I will explain what in the world just happened right now but for Finn's ability to try and not cry and me not get killed by Vance I will leave out details!" I look at Finn as he looks at me I pause, "¿Te parece bien, Finn?" (translate: that okay with you Finn?) He nods and hold Vance close to him. "So I was on the phone with my mother as you know and she told me a surprise that I won't tell yet! But when you all saw me running around the house all excited and such the surprise is why but since I can't tell Finn I gave a hint and that hint is special especially to Finn so when heard said hint it made him so happy he began to cry because that hint tells a lot and means a lot so he was happy and all! Which I plan to increase the happiness of and I need one of you who I know a fact would be on board and knows why but only he will get the hint but first a question for Vance!" I look Vance dead in the eyes and he looks intrigued by that! "Yes?" "Is Finn asleep?" He looks at Finn checking to see if he is awake "He is fast asleep!" I looks at Finn but what I saw was that he smiled!! VANCE HOPPER SMILED BECAUSE OF FINNEY!!! Beautiful! "Hey by the way which of us is gonna help you for making Finn even more happy?" I smiled at the boys and look at Vance once again "Vance." I say that dead eyed stare at him but he smiled instead "It may be because I know about him?" How did he know? Well good! "Damn! You knew quick! But yes that's the reason plus another that Finn would hate me for life if I said out loud!" Vance gently lifted Finn about bridal styles making sure not to wake him and I walked to the other boys "We are gonna go to my house we will be back soon though!! By the way for a necessary reason...." I walked to Bruce and gayve him a peck "Okay! Let's go Vance! Bye guys!" They all said bye and we were on our way we chose to walk as to not wake Finn up but then he shifted so I panicked but then out of nowhere Vance began singing a song to soothe him (the song up top but imma put the lyrics anyways!!) back to sleep!

"Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end Sun digs its heels to taunt you But after sunlit days, one thing stays the same Rises the moon Days fade into a watercolour blur Memories swim and haunt you But look into the lake, shimmering like smoke Rises the moon Oh-oh, close your weary eyes I promise you that soon the autumn comes To darken fading summer skies Breathe, breathe, breathe Days pull you down just like a sinking ship Floating is getting harder But tread the water, child, and know that meanwhile Rises the moon Days pull you up just like a daffodil Uprooted from its garden They'll tell you what you owe, but know even so Rises the moon You'll be visited by sleep I promise you that soon the autumn comes To steal away each dream you keep Breathe, breathe, breathe"

I looked at Vance shocked with how good he could sing but decided not to say anything yet! But wow his voice is spectacular!! Anyways we made it to my house at 2:00 - 2:30 pm I didn't check the time yet! Vance carefully places Finn of the couch and me and Vance then went to the kitchen where my mom was to talk "By the way the hint I gave home was say bye to Terrance he can't hurt you anymore " Vance smiled a happy smile that rarely anyone but Finn sees! "It means what I think it means?" I nodded and he got more happy! "Hola mamá!" She smiled at me but she spoke in English so Vancecould understand and not over confuse Finn! (I definitely wasn't to lazy to constantly translate nooo) Vance sat on the left side of Finn and I sat on the right while mamá sat in front of him! Vance carefully woke Finn up and when he saw we were at my house he smiled and when he saw mamá he got up and hugged her. "Hi Mrs. Arellano!!! I missed you!" She hugged him back gently "I missed you sweetie! Did your plan work for Robin?" He nodded wait what plan? "What plan?" "To get you and Bruce together you two were obviously in love but scared to confess so asked Mrs. Arellano for help!!" He smiled but because he was gonna be happier I didn't chase him! Yet. "Finney baby I want you to sit down because we have great news for you!" He sat down where he was and relaxed. "So as you know you dad kicked you out? Well I learned what I horrible person he is so me and him had a chat and he said that he can't take care you and Gwen but doesn't want to give you two to an orphanage so I asked to adopt you both and he said yes many many times and I have the legal documents and I will have full custody of you by tomorrow so now I will have two sons and a daughter although Gwen told me that she will let me adopt her but she wants to live with her friend because she doesn't know me unlike you she was calm about me adopting you though so do you say yes or no?" Finney started crying he ran up to mamá and began to hug and cry! "Yes please! That would make me so very very happy!!" I looked at Vance who was smiling at Finn and then remembered "Plus we are gonna be brothers now! And now you can call our mom mamá too!!!" He ran and hugged me tight! "Thank you!" I hugged him back and held him close. "Do you wanna call Gwen or what?" "I am gonna call Gwen and then we can do what you wanna do!" Finney called Gwen and they chatted for a long long time and when he came back he hugged mamá again "Thank you!" I looked at him again "Wanna design you new room?" "Yeah!! Come on V! Come on Rob let's go!!" We rushed to Finn's room that we had made a while back for nights when he left home to come here(I forgot what chapter but one says stuff involving this room that goes to Finn except he isgonna add to it!) We spent hours designing thins he wanted changed until the three of us were all done and all loved it! I realized we spent a ton of time so I decided to call Griff's house to tell them we will meet up tomorrow since we lost tract of time but I told them we have exciting news although I told them Finn won't be there and maybe not me due to the adoption! When I went to go check on Finn to tell him it's pretty late maybe he wants to sleep he was already asleep cuddling Vance but Vance was awake singing that song again so this time I decided to talk to him 'Hey Vance! Where did you learn to sing like that it's amazing!' He looked at me with genuine shock 'I thought you were talking with your mom?!' 'We finished talking so i came to check in and saw you singing that song again but I didn't mention on the way here because you were carrying Finn! It's really good though you should sing more often!' 'Fine but the only time I will sing is if Finn is here only he get the privilege if you happen to be in the room you can listen I guess.' 'I know you love him Vance it's amazing how he thinks you don't like him back!' 'He doesn't?!' I nod 'I mean to be honest how about you tell him tomorrow or something!' 'I will try but go to bed if you want to hear me sing you sleep on the floor if not sleep in your own room!' I grabbed A blanket and laid on the floor waiting to hear him sing again he sang the song again and it soothed even me to sleep. But before I slept I saw Vance start cuddling Finn and when he finished singing for the night he pampered Finney's for head with kisses that is something adorable that I saw before bed haha!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey sorry I took a while at least this chapter is really long but this song I chose is one I love and calms me when I am stressed but anyway I hops you liked this! I love you! Hope you have and amazing day/night!!💜💜

A Vinney fanfic😍😍✨✨(one shots kinda)Where stories live. Discover now