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The babies cry all day and all night. It never seems to come to an end, as if they never need to stop and catch their breath. Billy and Tommy drive Wanda and Ivy to exhaustion, and yet, they look absolutely perfect.

Perfectly styled hair.

Perfectly neat and orderly clothes.

Perfectly moisturized skin.

Everything is perfect, despite the constant and deafening sound of crying.

Wanda and Ivy try everything in their power to calm their crying babies, Billy and Tommy. They rock them, sing lullabies, and provide endless cuddles, but the crying persists. It becomes a relentless symphony of distress, echoing through the halls of their home in Westview.

In a moment of desperation, Wanda and Ivy confide in each other, their voices laced with weariness.

"Ivy, I don't understand," Wanda whispers, tears streaming down her face, "Why won't they stop crying? What are we doing wrong?"

Ivy's voice trembles with exhaustion as she replies,

"I don't know, Wanda. It's like they're in pain, but we can't find a way to soothe them. It feels...unnatural."

Their conversation is interrupted by the piercing wails of the babies, growing louder and more relentless. Wanda and Ivy exchange a desperate glance, their faces mirroring a mixture of frustration, helplessness, and fear.

In a moment of clarity, Ivy speaks with a hint of realization in her voice,

"Wanda, something isn't right. This isn't how it's supposed to be. Our children... there's something off about them."

Wanda's eyes widen with a mixture of shock and recognition, her mind racing to comprehend the truth that Ivy's words unveil. The realization washes over them, pushing past the confines of their perfect but dissonant reality.

"They're not real, are they?"














Poison | Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now