Chapter 1

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Once up a time there lived a happy family. A business man, Cliff, and his wife, Libber, lived with there adorable son, Jay. Jay was the kindest boy they could have wished for. He loved his parents dearly as the did him.
Jay was given everything his heart could ever desire but was taught patience and kindness from both his parents. Although his mother traveled for her work, as did his father, Jay took up all of his parents free time and they wouldn't have it any other way. The small family lived in a large house that had been in the family for generations. It was staffed with honest and hardworking people. They tended to the garden and farm where Jay would love to play with the animals.
All of the servants adored Jay. He was always willing to lend a hand and he greeted them every morning. Libber and Cliff could not have been more proud. Jay took a particular liking to the servant Clancy. Jay enjoyed talking to Clancy about whatever he found interesting that day and Clancy always enjoyed the company.
Jays life couldn't have been more perfect until it wasn't. When Jay was 13 years old his father fell sick. Jay always made time to take care of his dad. Cliff insisted Jay focus on his studies but Jay prioritized his fathers health.
One day, Jay was called into the room where his father had been staying in. Jay had a horrible gut feeling.
"Yes ,father," Jay whimpered. He stood by the door afraid to go inside. "Come in son," Cliff said then coughing into a handkerchief. "Father!" Jay rushed to Cliff's side. "My son, I think we both know it is my time," he said clearing his throat.
"Dad please, please don't say that. You were getting better. You have to be getting better!" Jays vision started to be blurred from saddened tears.
"I am so sorry but please when I go promise me something" Cliff said reaching out his hand. Jay took his father's hand. "Anything," Jay said shaken. "Promise me you won't stop doing what you love, invent amazing things, fall in love and take care of your mother. But most of all, have courage and be kind. No matter how cruel the world is. Promise me," Cliff began coughing again.
"I promise Father... I love you," Jay said beginning to visibly cry. Libber walked in somberly. "My darling wife. Please do not cry. Everything will be ok. I love you two so much. You must know that. I have to go now but my love with never leave this house or your hearts." Just then Cliff let out his last breath. Jay hugged his mother and cradled him in her ams. Libber and Jay held each other for many hours. The houses happy and light atmosphere dimmed. The once happy memories all seemed gone. They buried Cliff in the garden.
In time, the family found how to be happy again, they had not forgotten about Cliff. Libber and Jay visited his grave everyday where a beautiful orchard tree grew with marvelous purple flowers.
Jay was growing to be a lovely young boy but Libber feared his was missing something. She knew he needed a fatherly figure in his life.
One day she met a man, Nadakhan, who she fell in love with. They immediately were taken with one another. They soon got married. Jay thought it was too soon besides he didn't very much like Nadakhan and his soon to be step sister and step brother. He, however, bit his tongue knowing how happy his step father made his mother. He hadn't seen her so happy since his father died.
Adjusting to his new life wasn't easy but he remembered his fathers words: Have courage and be Kind.
The day the new family moved in, Jay was terrified but also excited. Libber held onto Jays hand as Nadakhan and his family approached the house. "This will be the greatest adventure yet!" She said smiling enthusiastically. Jay nodded. His heart was warmed by the gleam of his mothers eye. The footman opened the door and right out came the bickering siblings, Flintlocke and Dogshank. "Children please this is no way to greet your new mother and brother," Nadakhan stepped out and looked to Jay. Jay smiled. "It's awesome to have you guys here," Jay greeted by the sibling ignored the nice gesture and shoved Jay's hands full with their luggage. "Where are their manners?" Nadakhan asked placing a kiss onto Libbers hand which made Jay feel sick but he in no way showed it. "Show us the way?" Nadakhan asked Jay. Jay nodded and lead him into the house.
"Zane I know this isn't exactly how we would like things to be but I know it will be okay. I'm sure my new family will be kind and we will get along just fine," Jay said to his mouse friend Zane. Zane scrunched his nose opposition. "Don't give me that look" Jay laughed. Just then Moneky Wrench, Nadakhan's cat, swooped in and picked up Zane. "Monkey Wrench drop Zane you creep" Jay tapped his foot impatiently. Monkey Wrench reluctantly dropped Zane and growled at the terrified slobbery mouse.
"We've all got things we have to get used to. Jeez. I'm sure you two will get on fine in no time," Jay said placing Zane on a cabinet where he could not be reached. He walked off happily.
"Jay could you come in for a moment." Nadakhan asked calling Jay into his fathers study. "Yes step-father" Jay said popping his head into the room. "Please sit," Nadakhan gestured Jay to sit on the sofa.
Jay smiled sweetly. "Now you know I love your mother right?" He asked Jay. "Yes." "Good and for that reason I must ask a favor" Nadakhan grinned evilly behind his cup of tea. "Anything step-father," Jay offered.
"Such a kind young man" Jay smiled. "It's a bit sickening to be honest," Nadakhan scoffed. "Excuse me?" Jay asked politely. "It's nothing against you my dear boy. It was just an observation." He stated simply. Jay pushed the hair back from his eyes and waited to hear the favor.
"Oh yes... we have all seen the fighting between Flintlocke and Dogshank. It is taking a toll on this house and your mother no doubt. There might be a way to avoid this," "How can I be of help?" Jay asked. "If they had their own rooms they wouldn't be at each other's throats all the time but that does mean you will have to give up your room and perhaps move into the attic. Oh yes it is settled" Nadakhan decided quickly.
Jay wasn't too excited about giving up his room but it was the kind thing to do and if it created peace towards the siblings he would gladly do so. Besides all his inventions were in the attic as it was. "Anything else?" Jay asked warmly. "So you see I've let go of some of the servants. I found their work to be unsatisfactory. Your mother protested but I assured her this would save money and be the right decision," this news made Jays heart ache. The servants were his friends ever since he was a baby. "I did however to your mothers request keep Clancy." Jay smiled feeling relived. "So you must now do the house chores. We each have a part in maintaining the house. Jay nodded not wanting to question his step father's desision.
"Good boy" Nadakhan said tapping Jay's cheek with his hand. "Better get to work," Nadakhan said wiping a shelf with his finger, "the house is filthy."

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