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"hi, everyone! it's your boy pakgo with 700,000 amazing newtube subscribers!" shouted pakgo in the back of the class "and joining us for today's lunchtime livestream is my classmate and beauty newtuber rumi," said pakgo.

"i'm just starting thanks for watching! i'll do my please be nice to me!" rumi said while adjusting the camera angle. "rumi, tell everyone what kind of videos you make," pakgo smiled "oh, i make videos about makeup for teens," said rumi.

"did you say you have a makeup model for us?" "yup! i worked hard on his makeup," rumi pointed at the said model which the camera followed.

the makeup on the model was white as a ghost, the eyeliner is like panda eyes, while the lipstick were smudgy.

"hey, hobin. say hi to the viewers and give them a smile," whispered pakgo in a threatening way. then and there, (y/n) glanced at what was happening and sighed. 'poor kid...wish i could help him,'ll just cause a commotion.' the girl thought and looked away trying to ignore what was happening.

when school was over, (y/n) immediately packed her stuff and leave as soon as possible to get home and some sleep quickly. right when she was about to leave class- "has your mum dropped dead yet or is she still around? you said she was sick. let me use her account." (y/n) immediately halt in her steps while the entire class burst into laughter.

"snapper," her voice loud enough for all of them to hear "that was too harsh." she looked at them. in return, pakgo laughed harder "hey you should apologize. that was harsh, haha!"

"what? how was that harsh?" snapper smugly asked. (y/n) sighed and left school. right outside school, she saw a familiar car. the window rolled down showing an elegant man smiling at her. "so? how was school today?" asked the man while (y/n) opened the car door and sat.

" was ok. can we go get something to eat before we head home?" asked the young girl. "anything for my sister," the man smiled, looking at the rearview to see his sister. "we're not siblings," the man laughed. "you're right. but i took you in, didn't i?" the girl hummed

while eating, (y/n) got a notification. it was a clip of pakgo's stream. with curiosity, she decided to watch it - "if i cant get a burger that looks exactly like this picture in 30 seconds...give me your number," pakgo challenged "the whopper...needs to be grilled."

(y/n) furrowed her eyebrows and double tap her screen to forward the video to see if there's any more interesting part until she caught a glimpse of a worker handing the burger to pakgo. she quickly backward the video to that specific part.

"here's your burger," (y/n) looked closely at the person who looked incredibly familiar '...isn't that...hobin yoo?' she thought with her eyes widen a bit. 'that's impressive...'

"妹妹," she was soon caught off from her thoughts feeling bits of shiver running down her spine. "i called for you 10 times already. what were you so tranced about anyways?" she looked at her brother cooly

"sorry, my mistake. i was watching a clip of a newtuber's livestream," her brother sighed "alright alright. next time, lower down the volume or don't wear earphones."

she immediately took off her wireless earphones that were hidden from view because of her hair. "were you listening to music the entire day at school again?" her head dropped down, not daring to look at her brother's gaze.

"just don't do that again," he sighed "finish eating, you still have to study later on." she glanced at her brother who was already looking at her with a soft smile. anyone who doesn't know him to a personal level would've been fooled by it.

after eating, they immediately went home and do their own things. (y/n) was in her room studying when her phone was bombarded with notifications of all social media she have. it was about...

'hobin? snapper? they're fighting with...kimchi and a pot?' least to say that (y/n) was absolutely confused yet amazed. she had never thought that kimchi could be a weapon...

soon after studying, she went out to the living room and rested on the sofa. "brother, i suppose you've already saw that video," her brother hummed confusedly "what video to be exact?" he asked, stopping what he was doing "the one where 2 of boys fought with kimchi and a pot of ramen."

"ah, yes. i've already watched that. it was amusing to say the least" he smiled and continue what he was doing. "mhm... say, if i join the ufc, will i be top 1?" she asked as she lay her head down on the back of the sofa and close her eyes. there was a small silence before he answered "what's with that question? of course you would. you have a special ability that no one have."

(y/n) then hunched over the sofa facing the kitchen where her brother was. "the ability of yours is once in a lifetime. if not, one in centuries. no one can surpass you, but as of now you lack experience. and your motivation is low," exclaimed the brother as he slice a salmon in pieces.

she stared at him for a few minutes then smiled, but something was off. "i guess you're right,


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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