Chapter 3 - Party time

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T/W- underage drinking

Nidal's POV-

     I just woke up from the most strange dream ever. I've had plenty of weird dreams but this one was like weird..

     The dream was about Salish and me like full on making out, I can't remember where we were though I just remember that. It's weird though because we never have done more than little pecks or whatever.

    Well that and the fact we're just friends, most of what we've done was back when we did videos, Jordan stopped filming stuff when Salish was 15 so that's that.

     I need to stop running my mind and go downstairs. It's 9am and the girls both usually wake up at 8 so hopefully some type of breakfast is made for me because I feel to tired to make something for myself.

     I'm walking down the stairs right now and it's like really quiet.

     I look in the fridge and I see pancakes that weren't there yesterday so they might be leftovers from when everyone else ate. I got them out and there still warm. A win is a win I got the syrup out of the cabinet and ate on the dinner table.

     I heard footsteps coming down from upstairs and my sister talking. It was faint but I could still hear.

     "Oh my gosh Nidal sleeps so much," Jiji said.

     Salish replied saying something about how she can understand. Good to know she has my back.

     "Oh hey Nidal, you didn't hear that did you?" Jiji said when she entered the kitchen and saw me sitting at the dinner table.

     "Oh no I did, that's for the good morning greeting by the way," Salish started laughing at what I said.

     "Wow Salish your supposed to have my back not laugh at your little boyfriends jokes," Jiji said jokingly.

     I could feel myself blushing but I noticed Salish was more so I didn't really care.

      "Whatever," Salish said rolling her eyes while smiling. I looked at her for a little bit too long or something because Jiji winked at me? Weird.. anyway I hope another conversation happens soon because this is very awkward.

Jiji's POV-

     I decided to be the one to break the awkwardness, "You know my friend that I'm still in touch with from when we used to live here said something about a pool party on their parents yacht later today? If you guys want to come??"

     Salish and Nidal both looked at eachother for some reason? I know they're best friends but the look they gave made it look like they were trying to figure out what they should say with some type of telepathy.

     "Sure," they both said at the same exact time while both shrugging. It's so obvious they're made for eachother I don't know how they haven't noticed yet.

     They looked at eachother again and started laughing. Well atleast they said yes and didn't just laugh without saying nothing at all?

     When they finally stopped laughing I decided to give them the details. "So basically it's at like 4pm-11pm because the dock is fully closed at 11:30 or something,"

     "Who's this friend your talking about Jiji?" Salish said hinting at something.

     "No it's not a boy I like, but it is a boy," I said.

     "How did you see through what I was saying so well?" Salish said.

     "Guys we should probably get ready me and Jiji have no bathing suits because we didn't bring any this time we came over," Nidal said.

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