"MOM! WHERES MY SHORTS?" Daniel yells out hoping to find them before his mom can answer. He Ramage through his closet of hoping to find that one pair of shorts, those comfortable,red white, shorts. "HONEY! YOU HAVE MANY OTHERS JUST PICK THEM!" His mother replied, Daniel took a sigh and rolled his eyes. He didn't have time to argue only to be late to the beach. He found another pair of shorts, put them on and head out of his room and downstairs.
Once down, his mother stopped him before he could leave the door of freedom. "Don't forget your sun screen!" Denial sighs, and goes to the bathroom, picked up the sun screen and head to the front door. He then turned to his mom, "and I will remember to come home before 10! I know!" He said while making an eye roll. "Don't you roll your eyes towards me! And.. thank you, make sure to actually come through with that." Denial goes to the door but after doing a little 'mhm' and leaving.
"Hey dude over here!" His friend, Tyler called him from his car. Daniel walks over hugs his best friend. Then, they both got into the car and Tyler was backing up to go into the road. "So dude, excited?!" Tyler says while banging his hand on the arm holder. "Yeah man! I can't wait, all our friends, alcohol and mostly having fun man!" "I know right! Remember the fake id looks more like you then anyone else, you have to get the alcohol" Daniel sits up straight and looks at him while his hand is too his forehead. "Yes sir!" Daniel sits back normally and they both laughed. A very quick one but a laugh.
They got to the gas station, and parked. Daniel takes the id, and was about to leave when he remembered something. "Dude where the heck is the money?" "Oh! Here! Also remember two packs." Tyler takes out his wallet and pulls out a 20 dollar. "Yeah got it." Daniel leaves the car and walks to the entrance of the gas station. When he inside he goes the alcohol section and picks up two packs. He then walks to the counter and pulls out his id so he doesn't have to make it awkward. Trying to move things faster. The guy scans the two packs and takes the id, looks at it before handing it back to him. " your total $17 dollars and 25 cents." Daniel hands him the 20, takes his two packs and waits for his change. The guy hands him the change. Once he did that, Daniel goes out and to the car as soon as possible.
He goes into the car and puts the packs down. "We got it!" "Yeahhhhhh! That's what I am talking about!" They both cheered. Tyler went to the main road to head to the beach. They both got there, Tyler and Daniel got out to look for their friends when they couldn't find them by car. Tyler got a text message and had a devastated look on his face. "Hey dude, what's the matter?" "They canceled on us!"
Daniel is sitting in the car, looking dismal. He looks at Tyler who is on his phone, legs up to his chest. It was all silence, till Tyler puts his legs done and looks at Daniel. "I know what we can do." Daniel looks at him and sighs for he thinks there is no hope. "We can go to the forest! We can drink and tell Storys or whatever!" Daniel looks at him confused. "Isn't the forest blocked off for public entrance?" Tyler sits back straight, "dude! We just got alcohol with a fake id, I think we can sneak into a forest." Daniel sits back, nods his head aggressively. 'Yeahhhhhh!' They both said in unison.
Tyler starts to back up, turning left. He got to the main road, Tyler looks around a quick second before putting on some music. Daniel starts signing while he see's his friend getting playful annoyed. Which is he intended to do. 45 minutes has past, Tyler parks the car close to the forest so they can sneak into there. Both got out. Daniel picks up the packs and tries to hide them. One after another, they walks past the 'No entry' sign. Daniel looks around to see the, trees all together, the flowers spread across the landscape. Some daisy, some rose, others he do not know. A few places where mushrooms are growing. It was beautiful, something he can't explain in one word.
They got to a nice spot, where there isn't much tress and easy to sit. Tyler opens a pack, grabs two and hands one to Daniel.It was dark out, cold and stars start to form. They both decided it was time to go home. Tyler grabs the two packs with one being unopened and one having two-four missing.they didn't drink much because they were busy talking. They started to head down the trail, back down the beautiful image. Walked past the sign and heads to the car. Both put their stuff in and sits down. Tyler looks at Daniel, "that was fun! Just us hanging out." "I know right! We didn't need those friends! We have eachother! But dude, it's 9:45 can you hurry up and drop me off?" "Dang sure have a mood change. But yeah sure." Tyler gets out of their parking spot and starts to dive to Daniel's place.
They got there and Daniel gets out and heads to the door. He was hoping he mom won't get angry with being 3 minutes late. He then pulls out his keys and unlocks the door, goes inside and locks it. He was walking down to the kitchen and see's no one there. Maybe his mom didn't care for being 3 minutes late? Whatever it was, it was his chance to head to his room. Once in his room, he kicks off his shoes and jumps in bed. He lays on his back, staring at the ceiling. Drifting of to sleep.It will continue on the next chapter!<3
1032 words <3

It's blue not red
Roman d'amour Daniel, an average teenager found himself heartbroken and depressed. By who or how? Read to find out! I will upload every other Friday! I will upload less of the due date but never overdue! The end chapters will be short except the very last ch...