The Wild Ones

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After driving for ten hours we've finally made it to our destination, and by that I mean the new house we're supposed to be living in. It looked somewhat cozy, like somewhere a loving family might live. The house looked black, with light brown colored windows.

It's two storys, I remember dad saying it had four bedrooms, and three bathrooms, all in all not bad. before stepping out of the car to get by things, I saw my siblings pull up, in Hudson's car. Hudson wanted to drive separately, and Sophie didn't want to be in a car with our parents for ten hours.

"I don't like it." Sophie said stepping out the car. "It looks kind of old, and I hate the dark green color of it." She scoffed, all while looking up and down the house, like it was a girl wearing a bad outfit.

"How can you even tell it's dark green? It looks black to me." I asked her getting out of my parents car and making my way over to the trunk so I could grab my stuff.

"Ew, it looks like someone could've died in it." Sophie states ignoring me like usual.

"Sophie, could you stop being such a drama queen and go pick a room" dad says, while turning the car off and throwing Sophie the house keys.

Sophie caught the keys with ease, rolled her eyes once and made her way to the front door.

Hudson, my older brother was just staring at the house with a weird look on his face.

"Honey, you made sure to talk to the movers right? All out kitchen supplies and what not should be already in there." My mom was looking down at her phone texting probably to Kate, her bestfriend.

"Yes, dear." dad replied, with that mom nodded her head at him and made her way into the house as well. 

I looked around the neighborhood a little maybe to catch a glimpse of our new neighbors or something, however no one was outside, which made since it was like 11pm on a Wednesday, people probably had to get up for school or work in the morning.

I finished grabbing all of my stuff, I put my backpack over my shoulder and took the rest of my boxes and went to go inside the house, but Hudson grabbed onto my arm.

He put his face close to mine and said "Second room is mine." He let go of my arm moved passed me to help dad get the rest of their things. How could I forget Sophie and Hudson got first dips on the rooms.

The family excluded me from partaking, or maybe they just forgot  I was home that day. It doesn't really matter, well not anymore.

I enter the house, and saw it wasn't that bad looking. The interior was really nice looking, modern some would say stylish. I walked into the livingroom and saw we had a fire place, and our really comfy couches were here, I was thinking about dropping my stuff and taking a seat when Sophie walked in from somewhere else in the house.

"Yeah. It's fine or whatever. But I'm like totally sad I'm missing cheerleading tryouts. I wanna see freshman fall of their faces." She said into her cell phone. She gave me and an icy look, that just told me to keep walking. I rolled my eyes at her and walked over to the kitchen, mom was already cooking something, and now was face timing Kate.

I proceeded to walk passed, and go upstairs. I looked around and notice that there were weirdly only 3 bedrooms and a bathroom up there.


They really didn't get me a bedroom. Where am I supposed to sleep now I put my stuff  on the ground near an empty space in the hallway. My arms were killing me, and rolled my shoulders a bit. I sat on one of the boxes.

Now what? Am I supposed to just sleep in the livingroom until I graduate. I thought of asking mom or someone what to do, but they'd probably just ignore me like usual. I sighed and I looked up.

What's that? A door to the attic. Don't tell me. I stood up and walked over to the little door thing and grabbed the string hanging from it, which wasn't hard seeing how I'm 5"11 I pulled the string and stairs came down.

"Woah." I said looking at it, I felt like I was in an adventure/horror movie. I took my phone out of my pocket and slid my backpack over my shoulder once more. I unlocked my phone and put the flashlight on before proceeding cautiously. I walked slowly up the golden brown stairs. I pointed to the light to the sides of me. So I could see if I had a light switch anywhere near me. I did on my left side, I reached for it and flicked it on.

"Oh great." I said when the light didn't come on. Now I need to buy lamps. I decided to forget about the light switch for right now and focus on my new room.

I looked and saw it was pretty spacious actually, it looked like a small loft. I smirked a little to myself. I looked over to what I assumed to be a closet. I walked over to it and it wasn't to bad, it was tiny but it worked I didn't have that many clothes in the first place.

As I was exiting the closet I noticed a curtain on the left side of my bed. It was hanging between two book shelves, it seemed to be covering something.

'How odd' I thought as I started walking towards it.

"You've got to be kidding me!!" I heard my dad yell. I glanced at the curtain once more before shaking my head, I dropped my backpack on my bed, it's a good thing the movers got here before we did, or else I'd be sleeping on the floor. I made a mental note to get the rest of my stuff after I found out why dad was yelling.

As I made my way into the livingroom where everyone was gathered. I sat on one of the chairs.

"What's up? Dad" Husdon asked, looking at him wearily.

"That's idiot realtor said this place had 3 bathrooms" Dad replied he was now pacing back and forth, he does that when he's upset about something.

"It's does have three bathrooms." Sophie said rolling her eyes at him and going back to texting her friend. Dad stops and slowly turns to her.

"3 full bathrooms, not 2 full bathrooms and a half. I feel bamboozled. He's probably laughing it up with his colleagues about fooling an old man"

Sophie makes an 'oh' face, "wait!, does that mean I'm sharing a bathroom with you?" Sophie makes a disgusted face.

She doesn't spare me a look as she looks to Hudson, as she pretends to shiver.

"Soph, you're ugly and you'll always be ugly. No matter how much time you spend looking in the mirror, nothing will change." He says to her and walks into the kitchen.

"Hey!" Sophie pushes past me and follows Hudson, into the kitchen. I look at my parents, and they're now sitting down, with my mom trying to comfort my dad.

"This is fine, the house is beautiful. I'm sure the kids will finally learn to get along with having to share a bathroom together." My mom says, smiling at my dad.

"I just-" he cut himself off.

"Honey, I know moving to entirely different state wasn't the plan but I'm sure Hudson and Sophie will learn to love it here." She said, and with that she kissed him on the cheek.

I didn't miss the fact that she didn't mention me in her little speech to my father, I've gotten use too it by now.

I went back outside to get the rest of my boxes so I could put them into my room.

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