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After I finished unpacking last night I took a peek under the curtain, and it turns out it was the 3rd bathroom, lucky me. It means I won't have to spent unnecessary time with Hudson or Sophie, except when I go into the kitchen or watch TV in the livingroom, speaking of which I wonder if I can get a TV up here.

I looked around the room for space, there was a little bit of room, so maybe. I could definitely make a little reading area for myself. The room honestly wasn't that bad, I wonder why the others didn't bother to check it out at least. I shrugged at the thought.

I had gotten out of bed just now, I needed to get ready for school. I headed over to the bathroom. 'My bathroom' I thought with a small smile. I moved the curtain out of the way, and walked towards the mirror, I had already taken a shower last night. Unpacking took alot out of me, I needed to relax. I looked into my brown eyes, and smile at myself.

"This is going to be a great day." I said to myself, as I got ready to brush my teeth, after that I washed my face.

When I finished with that I styled my short curly black hair into a ponytail. I made sure to slick my hair back so it wasn't sticking up, I took in my appearance, I looked pretty.

Now was time for my outfit, I wasn't actually sure what to wear. I was looking at clothes on my bed, a skirt and a floral top?

"No, too girly." I said to myself as I put the outfit back into my closet, 'how about this?' Cute white, top with some overalls.

"What am I 12?" I said, it's a good thing I decided to walk up a hour before school starts.

It took me 20 minutes to actually decide what to wear, I went with dark blue shorts and burgundy crop top.

Usually when people start they're first day of school it's on a Monday, but not this family we're going on a Thursday. Good news, it's a new school year so not as awkward as showing up in the middle of the school, bad news I'm horrible at first impressions.

I can never say the right thing, I didn't have Sophie's good social skills or Hudson's athletic ability. When either of them walk into a room it goes quiet, when I do people just pretend I don't exist. However it's fine, I've learned to embrace it, since the spotlight isn't on me all the time. I never get into trouble with my parents or get grounded. It like a get out of jail free card.

I heard a whistle from downstairs. That pulled me out of my thoughts. Closed the curtain to the bathroom and grab my backpack and than went to open the attic door so I could get out of my room. I'm still kind of getting the hang of it.

My mom usually whistles like that when breakfast is ready, it's her 'time to eat' as I'm walking downstairs I see Hudson coming out of the bathroom smelling like axel body spray, I gagged as I made my way downstairs, it was a horrible smell.

I walk into the kitchen to see a sight I've grown used to now, everyone has a plate made for them except me. I roll my eyes and get a plate out of the cabinet, and put some eggs, bacon and pancakes on it, before taking a seat at the table next to Sophie, she's just eating eggs with syrup on top of them. As I place my plate next to her she grimaces in disgust.

"You know that's incredibly unhealthy right?" Sophie asked, she usually only talks to me when she wants to talk about my body and what I'm putting in it.

"I just can't help myself." I said digging into my food.

Hudson, ended up driving us to school. Sophie hasn't passed her driving test yet, and I wasn't allowed to drive any of the cars, much less touch his.

The ride was about 30 minutes to get to school, Hudson pulled into an empty parking spot and turned the car off. As I was out to get out he stop me.

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