CHAPTER 301-310

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Chapter 301: Ruthless And Wild

Fu Qingxuan looked at the girl who had been staying quiet and had more admiration for her. He thought, ‘Wow! This gentle and soft-tempered girl really is meanie’s sister. She doesn’t make a sound, but when she does, she shocks everyone!’

This was easy to say, but it was quite heartbreaking to hear.

Shen Tang’s words had a huge impact.

Those people who were making a fuss about the Spring Festival couplet instantly changed their expressions.

Most people knew that they were in the wrong. When there were a lot of people making a fuss, they rode along since no one would notice them when everyone else was talking. Once they saw that things were getting out of control, they slipped away quietly.

However, a few scoundrels were self-righteous and foul-mouthed.

“It’s just a couplet, if you don’t want to give it, you don’t have to curse us like that!”

“You guys can’t afford it?”

“What the hell! You think that your family is rich and can bully us with your power. What’s so great about money? Can you look down on people just because you have money? Can you scold people?”

“My sister didn’t curse people,” Shen Xi suddenly said. Her eyes were as cold as a knife as she swept a sidelong glance at them as she exuded a murderous aura. “Have you digested the shit you ate this morning?”

If it was not for Old Shen, she would not have written the Spring Festival couplets and would have asked them to get lost.

“You little brat! What’s so great about you? You’re just a dancer. You really think you’re a big shot, huh? It’s an honor for you that we want your couplet.”

“Who are you scolding? The Shen family’s really something!”

“I finally witnessed what it means to be arrogant. We poor people aren’t worthy to talk to them. Whatever, who cares!”

Seeing that they could no longer take advantage of the Shen family, they made a scene. A few insatiable scoundrels also became angry and cursed at the Shen family. They did not reflect on themselves and blamed everything on others.

Initially, Shen Zhangqing thought that they were all from his hometown, so they came to him because they looked up to him. Since he did not come back often, he had to respect them. After all, his elder brother’s family still lived here. If he offended the neighbors, they would ostracize his brother’s family and would make things difficult for them.

However, these people were angry just because they could not get the couplets. When Shen Zhangqing heard them scolding his daughter, he could not hold back his temper and took a hoe from the yard to threaten the scoundrels. “Get out! Get the hell out of my house! If you dare to say one more word, I’ll smash you!”

Both Shen Feng and Fu Qingxuan also could not take it anymore.

Fu Qingxuan raised a shovel and sneered, “Leave now!”

Shen Feng took a sledgehammer and slammed it to the ground. The concrete floor cracked with a loud crash before he let out a tyrannical roar. “Get lost!”

The few scoundrels who led the commotion saw that they could not win this fight and glanced at each other. They pointed at the Shen family and cursed again before fleeing with tails between their legs.

Shen Xi remembered each of their faces. Her eyes turned dark.

After the few troublemaking scoundrels ran off, many people came to comfort Shen Zhangqing and told him not to see eye to eye with them. They were merely some gangsters in town that had no proper jobs. There was no need for educated people to get angry with those dogs.

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