•The daycare assistant•pt 1•

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Character: Luca KaneshiroGenre: Fluff/the smallest bit of angst (only cause I needed too 🥲)Warnings: one singular swear word

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Character: Luca Kaneshiro
Genre: Fluff/the smallest bit of angst (only cause I needed too 🥲)
Warnings: one singular swear word.

"After a long day of work, I can finally go home and rest.." I whisper to myself as I sigh in annoyance as my phone rings.

"Hello, is this y/n l/n im speaking with?" The voice of a woman speaks from the other line.

"Yes, this is y/n, what seems to be the problem?"

"Well, you do know the daycare ended 30 minutes ago.. correct..?"

"Shit.."I  think to myself as I  get in my car and drive to the "Sunshine Daycare". The Sunshine daycare is where I leave my two twin siblings, Linny and Lennox.

After a 15 minute drive of me contemplating on which roads to take to get there quicker, I make it there a lot faster than I anticipated.

I rush inside to find my siblings playing with a yellow haired man. His build made it look like he was in his late 30's, but when he turned to face me, he looked to be around the same age as me.

Linny and Lennox both see me enter and run over to hug me.

"Sissy! We missed you!!" They both say at the same time as they jump into my arms.

"I missed you guys too!" I say as I start to tickles them in my arms making them giggle.

"Oh, sissy! This is Mr. Lion! He was playing dolls with me and Lenny!" Linny says, pointing to the big booba man.

"Hello..! I'm Luca Kaneshiro, you must be Linny and Lennox's sister, correct?" The yellow haired man says, clearly worried if he had said my name wrong or not.

"Yeah, I'm y/n l/n, but you can just call me y/n!" I say with a warm smile as I put my siblings down and put my hand out for him to shake.

He quickly wiped his hands on his coat before flashing me a confident smile as he shakes my hand firmly.

"Your hands are big! Look at the size difference!" I say as I move my hand up to have them palm to palm.

"Yeah! Super pog!" He says as his smile somehow gets bigger, practically going from ear to ear, but in a nice way?

"Pog..?" I ask as I tilt my head to the side to show my confusion. I giggle lightly as I see him blush a bright red out of embarrassment.

"Sorry.! Haha, it's like a reflex" he says, his blush deepening as he rubs the back of his neck showing his tattoos.

We talk for a little until Linny and Lennox start getting hungry. I look at the time.. 5:03pm?!

"Oh shoot.. im sorry Luca, I gotta go and feed these cuties, would you like to join us for supper..? If you're available of course." I say as I pick up the twin's bags and put them on my shoulders.

"Sure! But just a warning, I'm kind of a picky eater.."

"It's alright, these two crazies are also pretty picky so I can figure something out!"


When we get home, Luca picks up the kids and bring them inside as I take their bags. I let Luca know where to put his coat and he helps me put them all away.

I start to prepare supper when Luca picks up a pink apron and puts it on. His unbuttoned shirt with the apron make him look hot but cute? I don't know.. he just looks really adorable but super handsome at the same time.!

He goes to the stove and starts to cook the meat as I chop the veggies.

"Do we really need veggies..?" Luca asks as he looks at the small pile of carrots, peppers, tomatoes, peas and cucumbers in disgust.

"Of course. Vegetables are a good source of food to help with many things, especially health. Having veggies in most meals to help balance out things is a great way to get more healthy. They're good for you Luca!"

Luca seems displeased with my statement as he continues to cook the meat.

After supper, Linny and Lennox go to the cabinet and take out cheddar cheese pringles. They sort it out in three bowls, two kid size ones and a larger one for an adult.

They give Luca the bigger bowl of pringles and start eating their chips.

Luca stares down at the bowl in awe as he starts to tear up.

"Luca, are you alright?" I ask as he lifts his head up and nods.

"This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.." I giggle and sit back down after I finish washing the dishes.

As Luca eats the chips, a question pops up in his mind.

"Hey, y/n? Where are your parents?"

The room gets silent as I open my mouth but quickly close it to rethink my choice of words.

"They're um.. they're not here with us.. we left them when I turned 18." I say as I play with my fingers.

"Oh I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have asked.."

"No no it's alright! You just wanted to know, it's not your fault after all." I say with a small laugh trying to lighten up the mood.

"So Luca, how old are you?"

"Oh yeah, I'm 25. Kinda forgot to tell ya!"

"Oh, you're a year older than me! I'm 24!"

Our conversation lasted for another couple hours as it starts to get late.

"Well, thank you for having me! It was really wonderful!" He says before opening the door to a thunderstorm. He quickly closes it before a tree branch flies by.


"So... do you have another room I can bunk in for the night..?"

Hehehe you just got hit with dat cliffhanger.
I'm so evil I can feel it!!
Hope you enjoyed this, there will be a part two I just need to study for my exams.
Part two will probably be in two days.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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