Florence • Brits (TT)

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So, here's my first one shot, based on some idea from my tiktok edits!

Hope you gonna like and enjoy it! :D
In that way you are welcome to also check some of my edits on @lin_frdrich on tiktok.

See you around and stay tuned!

smut, use of belt
~ words: 2.289

I can't believe that today I am hosting a big houseparty for my coworkers of the marvel cast. This is the first time I offered my house to locate this big party in and I currently am checking the to-get list for the hundredth time. I got everything, it says.

Luckily I wasn't all alone organizing this whole night. My very best girl Hailee stuck by me the whole chaotic time and stood by my side whenever I freaked out about even the littlest things. I want everything to be perfect.

"Okay lovely, I think that's it." I finally look up at Hailee who doesn't hesitate to take this list and rip it into many pieces. Still my eyes go wide. "What you doin'?" I brabble out shocked, earning a laughter from her.

"Chill my dear! It's everything done." Hailee says as she throws the pieces of paper into my trash. I sigh. "Your words in God's ear." I mumble to myself. About to run through my house for another last check, I'm holden back in my tracks by Hailee's strong hand grabbing my wrist. "Don't." She warns with her raised eyebrow. She's very serious when she does that, so I better won't fight her now.

The party is set for 8pm and with that hour my house fills more and more with all those people. I am in a total rush, busy to offer drinks at any time and so on.

"Y/n Y/l/n. Get here!" I hear Hailee's voice beam through the music and all the conversations. I stand still abruptly and gulp. Maybe she won't call me out again.

"Y/l/n!" Hailee now yells. I slowly make my way into the kitchen, head down like a kid who just smashed it's mother's favorite vase. Hailee awaits me, her foot tapping the floor. "You see that?" She simply asks and I have to look up. Hailee points at the table full of drinks and snacks for self service. I slowly nod, scanning the table. Maybe I should fill it up.

"Don't you even think about it Y/l/n." Hailee warns and makes me gulp again. "Go and have fun sunshine!" She then beams a fresh smile at me and shoos me out of the kitchen. "Time to meet my newest friend." Hailee states, her hand rests on my back and makes sure I won't leave into my rushing around again.

"Hey Flo!" Hailee greets a tiny blonde who turns around quickly. Her bright smile almost makes me drop to the floor.

"Haiz! Been looking for you mate!" The brit exclaims pulling Hailee into a tight hug before she turns her attention to me. "What a party, darling. Amazing!" Florence now also pulls me into an unexpected hug. "Thanks!" I say into her hear.

"What about I'll show you where to get some drink? I see your hands are empty." I suggest, playing shocked at her still empty hands. Florence laughs before we both head into the kitchen. To my surprise Hailee doesn't follow us.

"Do you maybe have something for the big thirst? Without alcohol?" Florence asks as I show her the choice of drinks on the table.

"Oh yeah, of course I do!" I jump around and put out some glass. "What's it gonna be?" I ask, turning back around to observe the way Florence seems to think.

"Uh, can I get a water please?" Florence tries to cover her British accent. I hold back a laughter and distract myself by filling up her glass with water... or wota. I grunt, swallowing another laughter down before I turn around to hand Florence her glass.

"Here's your wota, mate." I lay on a thick British accent in my voice, tearing up from trying to suppress my laughter. Florence doesn't even seem to be close to laughing.
Her face expresses something dissatisfied.

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