Sorrys not enough

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(After Wanda's aloud to leave the medic room)
"I'm sorry I left." My tone was dull, I was so tired.
"Jade," Wanda turned to me and put a hand under my chin, she turned my head to face hers. "It's ok, we all deal with our emotions differently!"
"No, no Wanda I left you! I left you and they were still there." I felt angry again.
"Hey. I don't blame you." Her voice was so soothing and comfortable to me. "They wouldn't have let you come in anyways I promise it's ok."
I pushed past her hand, and kissed her. My hands reached for her face but I felt her magic stop me. I pulled away and slightly tilted my head.
"Watcha doing?" I smiled at her, my hands still locked.
She smiled back then pushed me down, still controlling me. She's just recovered, and not even fully yet but she was so strong.
My hands were stuck above my head, Wanda climbed onto my lap. It felt so natural to have her weight on me. I watched her fingers dance as they kept me down.
She's beautiful, she's a beautiful, talented, smart and caring girl. And I think she's all mine...
"Wanda, you a serious beautiful, inside and out." I spoke softly to her.
I watched her face, her expression faded. Her magic stopped.
"Hey hey hey, Wanda? Honey what's wrong?" I put my hands on her waist. She looked away from me, I tucked her hair behind her ear.
I watched as a single tear fell, but more were to follow.
"Wanda. What is it, what happened." I tried to get her to look at me, she didn't.
I sat closer to her. I tried to turn her face, she wouldn't. I gave in a kissed her, I aimed for her lips but she turned her face. She buried her face in hers sleeves, they covers her hands. Her whole body seemed to shrink; she was scared. She was scared of herself.
"Why don't you treat me like the monster I am?" I could barely hear her voice through her sleeves and light sobs.
I got off the bed and knelt down in front of her. "Wanda, you are the first person ever to look at me like I'm human, the first person to not assume, the first person I'd be willing to give my fucking life for! You are a beautiful person, you have a absolutely amazing heart and your mind, behind the clouds is breathtaking. You are capable of so much! Take today, your not even recovered and your way stronger then me! Who cares what they think. Your going to save the world someday." I had to hold back tears, I would make her understand one day.
She lifted her head and look into my eyes.
"That's the problem, I'm to powerful, all I do is hurt!" She closed her eyes, and held her stomach.
"Wanda maximoff! look at me right now. If you don't stop this your going to kill yourself. Stop, stop saying this. Wanda, it was an accident, you have to understand ok?! I know what happened, honey please i know, I will do anything. But you can't keep thinking about this. Please," I started to take deeper breaths, I couldn't hold it together much longer, I cared about Wanda more then anything and she was in so much danger. "Please let me help."
Wandas eyes narrowed into mine, she let go of her stomach to reveal a line of blood.
Fuck fuck fuck
She pushed herself off the bed and tried to come down to the floor with me. She struggled because of her cut. I used my magic to glide her gently down. We looked into each-others eyes before she forced herself into more pain by leaning in to kiss me. I heard her Wimper but she didn't pull away.
I put my hand on her back and used my magic to push her closer to me so she wouldn't be in so much pain. Then, with one hand in her face I set my other one on her wound.
"don't let go." Her hands were around my back and neck. I was so scared to hurt her but I had to do something, if nat found out she got hurt again they would probably send her away or maybe even me.
I had once, when I was little, fixed sprained ankle when I was in the woods so no one would know I'd left. It hurt so bad but after I was completely fine.
Wanda pushed into me harder, she kissed me with such passion and emotion.
I pushed on her cut with my hand rather hard, I could hear Wandas groans of pain as she dug her nails into my back. I pretend not to notice and focused on kissing her for a moment before I pulled away. I needed so much concentration for this.
Wanda couldn't stand it, she kissed my neck. I let her as I closed my eyes and started to examine the wound. It was different then a regular wound, of course. With the fact that it responds to PTSD and trauma this was going to be hard.

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