And so the Deathbat is born...

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Band practise had been going swimmingly, supposedly. I still hadn't spoken much to Jimmy. Yet whenever his blue-eyed gaze fell on me, it would still have the same effect on me; making me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. I had become better friends with CC and Ash. Now I can say they are f**king rad, like man they're cool. I love 'The Gang' to bits, which mainly consists of me, CC, Ash, Joe, Patrick and sometimes Patricks boyfriend and his mate. They were seniors - Pete and Andy were their names.

I hung out more with Matt, Brian, Zacky and Jimmy. We started rocking and making music together. I specifically remember the debate about our name; Lips of Deceit, or Avenged Sevenfold. I was feeling Sevenfold to be perfectly honest with you - and so were the others.

We were officially Avenged Sevenfold.

Zacky had to be a smart arse and realise that we could be shortened to A7X. The band blew up around the school - EVERYONE knew about us. 

Soon enough, the band and my friends became my life. I trained extra hard to be able to play the demanding bass parts, and I contributed to 'group meetings'.

Currently, I was sitting in History, with Joe talking nonsense across the classroom to Patrick. Ash was groaning at CC, who was throwing pieces of paper at his head. Chris was moved to the front of the class for being a dick and annoying the teacher. It was the hardest time I had to contain a laugh as he trudged to the front and let out a yelp when the teacher threw her pen at his head. I was doodling again. Somewhat of a bird and a tree stood proudly in the corner of my exercise book. A skull was etched into the back of my planner, which I was adding to with long bat wings.

"What's that?" Ash mumbled leaning against me.

"I dunno... A death... Bat?" I asked, as confused as he was.

"Looks rad though." he laughed to himself.

I laughed as well, relieved he didn't think it was odd.

I presented the deathbat to Matt. He was pleased, truly thrilled. Turning to the lads, he said " Looks like we've got our emblem! The deathbat, courtesy of Johnny Seward." 

I must say, the most rewarding thing I got all day, was a toothy grin from Jimmy; his blue eyes glittery and shining.


Right, so guys. We're back *woop*

I had a sudden urge to carry on with this. And so far, this looks promising!

I have edited the last chapter!! Please go and re-read it if you must (you don't have to though, I think I just took out Johnny's POV.) 

I wasn't too happy with where the story was going, so it's different and hopefully should be a lot easier to write. AND I'M ALREADY PLANNING THE NEXT PART YAY!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this... And until next time, keep rocking and stay awesome!

ellieandlu xoxo

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