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Third POV:

Six beings all stood together in one room. Two were invisible to all except one. The two watched in worry and fear. One was a black and blueish-purple cat with a hood and checkered eyes. While the other was a black and white rabbit wearing a suit with a clock and one eye. A strange combination of a brown bear and a green rabbit animatronic stood next to a man who wore a top hat and suit with a cape. The man held a cane and seemed frightened, shut down, defeated, and disappointed in himself and the world he had forgotten. Yet he still had a large grin on his face. Even though his white and red checkered eyes seemed so dead. Even as he began to slowly remember his friends and world, he didn't fight back to save the person he cared about. He instead watched as the creator of what he was and everything else he represented broke that old friend. He watched, like the other two. Knowing they were there, knowing they wouldn't fight back either. That old friend wore a nightguard-like uniform. It was green, and a frog clip held back the bangs of their long hair. The final being was a tall animatronic with a moon-like face. It grabbed the person by the arm and dragged it away. As they were being pulled away, they yelled something, something the man had heard before, yet couldn't quite place it. "PLEASE! DON'T LET THEM TAKE ME AWAY! DON'T LET THEM SEPARATE US!" Then that person yelled out something that hurt him even more. The pain and grief in the person's voice will forever remain burned in his mind. "PLEASE! REMEMBER ALL OF US! REMEMBER WHAT THAT MONSTER'S DONE TO YOU! DON'T FORGET ME AGAIN! FIGHT HIM! Don't leave us alone for dead. Don't leave me alone. You promised us. You promised Gregory." The person was dragged away. Leaving the two invisible beings and the ringleader-like person and rabbit/bear. The rabbit/bear animatronic smiled maliciously and said, "Don't worry. You made the right choice. I may not have created you, but I've created what you've become. This is the better choice for us all. And remember, you don't want to be who you were before, you want to stay like this. As technically now your creator, I can help you stay. Never worry about being stuck or trapped in one place...Again." The man tensed, he wished he could frown, but at this point, the smile he wore stayed plastered on his face. He wanted to fight back, yet he didn't feel obligated to. The strange, merged, being rested a hand on the man's shoulder and said, "Remember...As William Afton and your reason for existing. I'm the only one that knows what's best for you here. So, why don't you go join the others?" The man nodded and silently walked away. Galaxy-like tears fell from his eyes. The man raised his left hand to wipe away the tears. But instead of flicking it to the side, he stared at the liquid droplet in his hand. Confused at what fell. "What is this? Is this a cry? Is this true sorrow? Why do I feel this way? I shouldn't feel this way. Not anymore. What should I do? Help the frog, or help the ones I owe? What's the right choice? What did I promise?"  

Author Note:  Why am I starting this?  Because I wish to get this idea out of my head and on screen.  Even though it's giving me more work.  I need something else to give me the motivation to work on my other stuff.  This is that something else.  The next chapter is going to be about character refs.  Hope you like it.  

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