Chapter 1 ~Love at First Sight~

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"Lion, Posie, come into the living room I have something to talk about with you guys." my aunt Claire says.

I head into the living room passing by Lion. "Do you know what she want to talk about?" I say.

He looks at me confused as if he doesn't know what's going on either. "No idea, I guess we'll find out."

When we enter the living room I see my aunt sitting on the couch with a concerned look on her face.

"Aunt Claire is something wrong?" I say feeling worried.

She looks at me and smiles and waves me and my brother over.

"Some of your parents old friends invited us to come live with them and I think it'll be good for us to go live with them for a while" she says.

I was shocked, I was not expecting this. My mother passed away after giving birth to me so I never got to know her. Everyone says I look just like her. And my dad couldn't live without my mother. Lion and Mila were the ones who remembered them. I could never ask my brother about them because I saw the pain on his face whenever our parents were brought up and I vaguely remember my sister Mila. When I was around 6 years old my sister got into a terrible accident and passed away. It hurts because just like my parents I can vaguely remember her. My brother and I have been living with my Aunt Claire who has always been there for us. I wonder why she chose to go live with my parents friends now.

"What do you mean, we're moving?" Lion says frustrated.

"Yes, it'll be good for us and you know them it's your girlfriends parents."

His expression changed "You mean Ellie and Holton."

"Yes, they were good friends of your parents their kids are Cindy and Sam" my aunt says.

He sighed "Oh yeah, Cindy did mention her parents name once I never realized that they were the friends of my parents."

"Um, where do they live and when are we moving?" I say.

My aunt turns toward me and says "Tomorrow it's short notice but it's better to go sooner rather than later.

"You guys should start packing there's not that much time" she says.

"Okay" I said.

I couldn't believe we were just packing up and leaving. It hurt because both Lion and my Aunt knew my parents friends and I couldn't even remember them. Moment like this made me feel sad because I didn't have any memories of my parents or their friends I was always left wondering. I went to my room and started to pack my things and came across a photo of Mila. I picked up her photo and said "I wish you were here Mila, I miss you".

The next day, we were on the road and I watched as the cities passed us throughout the windows of my Aunt's car. I couldn't sleep last night and ended up falling asleep on the ride and by the time I woke up we were there at their house.

"Posie, wake up we're here" Lion says tapping my shoulder. I wake up to see a beautiful house in front of me it looked cozy and warm. As soon as we got out the car the front door of the house immediate opened. A girl with short wavy blonde hair runs towards Lion.

She kisses him on the lips "I missed you, I'm so glad you're you're here" she says.

"Oh wow" I thought. This must be his so called girlfriend he and my Aunt were talking about. She turns over to me "I'm Cindy, nice to finally meet my boyfriends little sister" she says.

"Posie, and it's nice to meet you too. I'll let you you guys catch up." I say.

I walk away to get my bags. I hear a voice coming from inside the house.

"Sam get out there and go help them with their bags" the voice says.

I grab my bags and head toward the front door.

There I see him for the first time. He was tall and his hair was a dark red. He came over to me and picked up my bags he was close to the point where I could smell his cologne. I looked up at him and saw his deep brown eyes. "Wow" I thought he's hot. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He walked toward the front door with my bags.

"I'm Posie, and you are?"

He sighs "Sam, Cindy's twin brother." he says. We walked together towards the front door and I couldn't stop looking at him, it felt as if it were love at first sight.

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