Sally Starlet.

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Julie and Frank had been best friends since she moved in, they did everything together and were always there for each other. But not long ago, Frank disappeared without a trace and Julie was left completely shattered. She had been working on the case for weeks, but nothing seemed to be pointing her in the right direction.

She thought this was the strangest thing to occur in the neighborhood, but a knock on her door would change that point of view.

"Hello?" Julie called. She was sitting in her dining room. Some puppet has knocked onto her side door. She was confused, to say the least. "Julie, let me in!"

Her whole world froze. Julie felt like punching a wall to see if it hurts to tell if she is dreaming or not. Sally is at her door but that makes no sense. No sense at all. How is Sally back but not Frank? Julie slowly rose from her position and walked to the door. Her steps are heavy and she feels like passing out from her nausea.

Julie always considered Sally to be her best friend. They had been inseparable since forever and had shared every secret and every laugh. But now, something strange was happening between them. Julie has to admit, she was starting to see Sally everywhere she went. But Julie thought it was just her imagination. This is not imaginary. This is real, extremely real. Julie isn't ready for the truth.

She would be walking down the street and see someone who looked like Sally, only to realize that it was just a stranger. But then the visions became more vivid and intense. Julie began to talk to Sally, even though she knew that Sally wasn't really there. She would tell Sally all of her secrets and worries, just as she always had.

Finally, she reached the door handle and creaked it open. It wasn't Sally. Wally. Wally is home from groceries. "Took you long enough honey!" He giggled and made his way in. Julie's eyes are bloodshot. She is frozen in place. She can only stare at the empty entrance way and contemplate on how strong those thoughts are getting.

Julie knew I she wanted to figure this out, but she wasn't taking the easy route. Slamming the door shut she turned to Wally who seemed a bit startled. "Julie?" He tilted his head. "Sorry, how was shopping?" She avoided eye contact as she took a long time reaching a dining room chair. "Wonderful, they had a sale on apples." He answered simply as he took the goods out the brown paper bag. Wally was smiling so innocently. It truly made Julie gag. He was acting like their friends going missing was a big deal

The case was consuming her every thought. They could see how hard she was trying, but nothing seemed to be working, and it was starting to take a toll on her. She stopped eating and sleeping properly, and her current friends were worried. Wally on the other hand was the happiest he had ever been. Why is he in such a good mood, even Barnaby has been sorrow. Howdy even closed his shop temporarily, food decorations have been tight.

Julie cannot understand why it's so hard to find out what happened to Frank. She promised Eddie she will find the culprit and bring him home safely. How can she do that when she doesn't even have a proper lead.

The demon puppet can't even fathom what made Poppy go into a coma. It's all so sudden. Blondie has never felt so inferior. What is she supposed to do. Julie sat on the chair, wringing her hands nervously as she tried to piece together the puzzle of Frank's disappearance and Poppy's condition. Her best friend had vanished into thin air, and there was no logical explanation for it. She had called everyone they knew and scoured the neighborhood, but Frank was nowhere to be found. Doctors have no explanation for Poppy's coma. They don't even know any possible symptoms besides her being dizzy.

"Julie." Wally said nonchalantly. He had a serious look on his face. Julie snapped out of her daydream and stared at Wally. His eyes were wide and threatening. She couldn't help but feel cold. His stare was killing her. She started to huff and grip her dress. Grinding her teeth together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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