your not mad? pt 2

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In this your now 9 months

《 y/n pov 》

It was a nice day outside and me and Chris were in the nursery room finishing the decorations for the twins.

We had moved out so me and Chris only moved two doors down from Matt and Nick.

" Do you want to put the dressers over here "

Chris said pointing to an area in the room. I then looked away from putting the last pair of clothes on the hangers.

" yeah that would be good "

Chris then moved the dressers over to the area we both agreed on.

《 skip to later that night 》

I was brushing my teeth about to head to bed. When all of a sudden my water breaks. Shit.

" Chris my water broke "

I yelled. He then came running into the bathroom. He then called Matt.

" yo, Matt, y/n's water broke you need to come pick us up..... ok see ya "

He then helped me to the front door and he ran back inside to grab the hospital bag.

Matt then arrived and Nick was in the front seat. Nick then rushed out the car and opened the back door, Chris then helped to the van. Then he helped me in.

《 skip to the hospital 》

After 7 hours of labor the twins arrived. We had named the boy Blake Owen Sturniolo and the girl Ashton Rae Lee Sturniolo.

Chris then held Ashton in his arms while having the biggest smile on his face that he could ever had. After a while Matt and Nick came in.

Chris then set down Ashton in her little bed thing. Matt and Nick came and hugged Chris congratulating him then coming over to me doing the same.

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