Reporting for Duty

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hello everyone, before we start, I want to say that none of this is mine, this is a one-shot spinoff story I found from The_Twins_On_The_Internet on so you should check her out, some might say that I am copying and be mad for doing this but I am just spreading her work, I like her work and thought some people from Wattpad would like this story so here you go and you should check her out, here is her link if you like this story and want to see her work. anyway, let me show you the story.

Summary : A great war has broken out and an unlucky N is called up to fight in the ranks of his nation, leaving behind his beloved wife and sister-in-law.

In a small village, 9 miles off border of Vendrehan, January 4th, ##14. Only 4 days before the outbreak of the great war.

"N! Its getting dark honey! Come back!"

N turned to face his wife, he nodded in response and started to head back, dragging a net filled with firewood behind him. When he arrived inside, he placed the logs neatly in a pile by the firepit and tossed a couple in, lighting it shortly after he put 3 logs in. Turning around to face V, he walked towards her and sat down next to her. "Going to be a cold winter this year dear.. Is J home yet?"

"No, J is still at work. Gives us time to cuddle."

N blushed "We do that anyway.. Regardless if J likes it or not."

"You cant blame her, she is still looking for love, you know what she is like..."

"I know. But your sister can be a bit aggressive whenever we snuggle."

V lent over and rested her head against N's shoulder. "I don't really care what she thinks. She's my older sister, not my mother!"

N and V spent the rest of the evening cuddled up on the sofa, in front of the fire. All was peaceful until J came home. "V, N, I'm home!"

The two drones looked towards the front room entrance to see J standing with her arms crossed. "Grose... Get a room."

"We are married you idiot!"

The sisters blew raspberries at each other from across the room. N ignored the two whilst he watched the fire crackle. Eventually the siblings stopped their squabbles, J left the room and V and N resumed their snuggles. With night time creeping around the corner, it began to get cold. N added a couple more logs to the fire and put a large blanked over himself and V. The two watched the fire burn whilst holding onto each other, N's head leaning on V's head whilst V leant on N's shoulder. In time, V fell asleep, still leaning on N, he let V sleep and eventually fell asleep himself. The feeling of comfort with the fire, blanked and each other keeping themselves warm emotionally and physically was just perfect. Without realising, they slept for the entire night on the sofa, only finding out when the two woke up.

The days went by as per usual, N was busy at his carpentry shop, J was serving drinks at the village tavern and V was at the nearby schoolhouse teaching, everything was peaceful for the time being, unfortunately things would not stay peaceful forever. On the morning of the 8th of January, eyes of every Ucartian drone widened to the sight of what was on the morning paper.

Ucartian Times, January 8th

Global tension has reached its climax, we are in a time of war!

On the 7th of January, at 19:00 at night, 3 Torkhain Drones launched a successful assassination attempt on the crown prince of Haurland. The King of Haurland demanded compensation of 80 million Haurmarks, a demand that was refused by the Torkhain republic president, Earl Thompson. "Our nation shall not be held responsible for actions committed by known criminals to the state, and thus the ones that shall be charged are the 3 assassins!" - Earl Thompson.

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