intro to drugs and new found fam? crazy

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Shen qingqiu didn't know what separated him from the rest of the peak lords. They where as nasty as the rumors they spread of him. As vulgar as a street rat; they snooped so low. 
"Shen qingqiu! It is in my rights as a designated peak lord, to be concerned for the children and especially the girls of your peak." Qi qingqi shouts.
As always for no apparent reason but for rumors shen qingqiu was the point of topic In a finance meeting.  Shen qingqiu was almost flattered how much her life revolved around him if it weren't for the udder disgust as to why.
"You are nothing but an old withered flower concerning your life with matters which are but rumors. You have no right to speak such putrid things when you no not of my peak matters and relations." Shen qingqiu said in a smooth voice. If it was any other day he'd have ignored her comments; already too used and tired of the constant scorn from his martial siblings. But today was different, he was already rilled up by a vicous demon who was able to cut a huge cut in his stomach. If he wasn't an immortal he'd have died on the spot, and unlucky as he is his faulty cultivation choose not to heal nor close it up.  He sat bleeding out since Yue Qingyuan choose this would be the perfect time to force him into a meeting which he had no say in.
"SHEN QINGQIU YOU DARE?!" Qi qingqi shouted before standing up as her face turned pink.
"Perhaps I do, and exactly what would you do then?"
Shen qingqiu spat out with a glare still remaining in his seat. 
"Thats enough. Let us get back to more important matters"  mi qingfan says attemting to interrupt the tension.
"Important matters? What is more important than the safety of our disciples!?" Qi qingqi says with her head held high.
"How high and mighty you are" shen qingqiu laughs causing every peak lord and head disciple to stiff.
"Was it not you who lit my male disciples up with fire after entering the perimeter of your peak grounds for an errand from Another peak? Surely our Xian shu lord isn't that hypocritical?" At this point shen qingqiu stood turning his back to the peak lords.
"Don't be so disrespectful and face us!" Liu qingge shouted in his ever so righteous tone.
"Unfortunately I'll take my leave as I've seen I've overstated my welcome and wish to not play these childish games." Shen qingqiu said before walking out ignoring the shouts of the peak lords.
All mu qingfan could do was watch with a deep sigh.   Can they ever get through one meeting without an argument?.

Despite the calmness around him, shen qingqiu felt nauseous as If the world was spinning.
He stumbled his way to the end of the peak before carefully getting on his sword. Without a thought he began his journey in a blur.  his head was a mess full of the accusations and rumors thrown at him. 
Pictures of Qin jiuluo forcing himself on shen jiu flashed before his eyes. He wasn't like that he would never. At this point he was shaking eyes bloodshot. Why am I here? Scum like me deserve the abuse.
I deserved everything that happened to me because I didn't have the power to stop it. His body was still fighting to keep balance; shen qingqiu could have stopped and rested but he didn't care if he fell.
As a matter of fact he noticed he wanted to. He really fucking wanted to jump. He thought as he zoned in on how high up he was.  No longer in his right mind shen qingqiu stills completely now hovering in the air.  "Forgive me Xi ya, this master wishes you a better holder" he says to his only loyal companion on this sect.  His sword pulses and shakes, feeling the helplessness in its master.  Shen Qingqiu opened his arms before leaning back,
falling yet he wasn't scared, he was almost happy that it would all end with him.
No tears shed, not for the broken.
His back hit cold water as his conscious went to mesh.

Shen qingqiu peeled his eyes open with struggle.
With a sigh he found he failed his sudden suicide attempt, standing up with a grimace he couldn't help but find humor in the sense the only time his body wanted to keep him alive was when he was ready to die. Becoming aware of his surroundings he found himself inside a comfy cottage. It oozed out home making shen qingqiu light headed.
"You're awake?" A voice said startling him.
He looked up to be met with a girl caring what seemed like a pipe, her hair was black and in a unique fashion he's never seen before.  She wore unknown and improper clothing that was split at her stomach. Her pants looked puffy and out of a material he could only belive to be leather?
"Found you in the river bed almost resembling a dead fish, if I didn't find ya now the fish woulda got ya." She said allowing him to take in her appearance.
To her surprise he wasn't fazed by the fact he almost died instead he choose to compliment her.
"You have very unique and beautiful clothing" He commented. "What fabric are they as it's unknown to me?" Ahh this pretty fairy was interested in her outfit. "Denim but let's get to the point. What were ya doing in the river?" She said curious.
"This one thanks you for saving him" shen qingqiu says bowing his head as she did the same.
"No problem I'm Qing Yan it's a pleasure to meet you immortal cultivator."  She said as she noticed his eyes on her pipe. "Want some?" She asks offering it.
"What exactly is it?" Shen qingqiu asks curiosity getting the better of him. "Cannabis or weed, stuff makes you feel good." She takes a long breath from the pipe as smoke seeps from her mouth.
"Try some" she says enthusiastically.
maybe it was the exhaustion or maybe the uncaring for his life but shen qingqiu took it inhaling a deep breath. He sat there with her as the sun rose and set.
He talked more than he ever had and never once had he thought of Qi-ge.
The next day he woke up to be met with a plate of steamed eggs and rice.
"Come sit my friend" she says happy with his continued stay. "Thank you." Shen qingqiu says before taking a seat across from her.
"That was unbelievable, I've never experienced such a drug." Shen qingqiu says rethinking the whole night and all the laughs and embarrassing moments.
" I was wondering where you got it as I'd like to continue using it. It brings my mind peace (if not for the moment he got in his head for a bit)."
"I grow it myself but would gladly sell it to a friend" she sayd in between chewing on her food.
"Very much aappreciated" He bows
"Whats with this formality? You are like family now." She smiles.

He bought a lot. Almost a full plant he was stocked; he slept well that night.

Another day another peak meeting, but this time shen qingqiu sat higher than I kite.
"Shen qingqiu are you listening?!" Wei something says unaware of who exactly said it shen qingqiu looked up smiling with his eyes dazed. "Yep" after he acted like that he straightened up finnaly meeting the peak lords eyes as they all where staring at him.
"Hello" shen qingqiu said leaning down. "I'm not a zoo animal carry on."

"Shidi may I check your wrist, your eyes are bloodshot. Can you see well?" Mu qingfan said worry written on him. Mu qingfan was one of the only peak lords he could tolerate as he never spread rumors nor participate in the scorn thrown at him
So shen qingqiu bless his heart couldn't dare be mean to him at the moment. How could he when the man looked so exhausted.
To each peak lords surprise a sad looked crossed shen qingqiu face. " mu qingfan has so much stress already, there is no need."  Even to him his voice was too soft. Finnaly a bit of awareness came out through the constant haze. Glaring at the peak lords he slammed his fists. "Now can we begun" shen qingqiu said with an eye roll almost missing his mistake. His face became red and he wanted to smack his face in.
"Yes let us begun as peak lord shen says" qi qingqi snickers.
"Shut up you wench" He mumbled eyes rolling as shang qinghua snickered next to him.
"Let's begin" yua Qingyuan coughs.
If shen qingqiu said he understood any word out of those peak lord he'd be lying.
He was in a much better place his mind, thinking about the good times with his new friend and his jiejies.

All the peak lords couldn't stay focus, shen qingqiu the spitting ice lord who's every word was like barbed wire, sat this whole meeting daydreaming with a small smile and responded in the softess most unknown voice ever. Even qi qingqi had a hard time getting upset as she's never not had him throw insults or glares at her. It felt so one-sided it was embarrassing.

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