Why am i being watched

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Shen qingqiu felt frozen stuck to the rock he sat upon. Teaching his disciples fucked up was pretty funny. They looked slightly cuter and more helpless, it made them more tolerable. He couldn't help his mind to not only make fun of them but to block out qin jiuluo.  So he sat as his disciples messed up even the most basic moves.
He decided after a minute to actually teach them. He started with assessing they're flaws; then showing them the correct ways. As well as exercises to get used to the strain of complex moves.
The disciples felt like they where in heaven.
Their shizun who only ever glares and makes fun of them was now teaching them with a careful expression.
Demonstrating moves which such grace and concentration just for them.
How lucky they where, not even caring they practiced overtime. As long as they didn't have to run the whole qi Jing peak.
As the long straining exercise came to an end; a loud zip sounded through the air.
Coming to a loud slam directly near shen qingqiu. Standing face to face was Liu qingge who stretched out a fan. Shen qingqius fan he lost during their fight.
"How kind" shen qingqiu couldn't help but think. 
"You left it" Liu qingge said looking away with a barely noticeable sheen of pink on his ear. Quickly noticing he daydreamed shen qingqiu grabbed it taking Liu qingges hand. He shook it up and down like a robot before thanking him. Liu qingge stood confused by the gesture but ultimately fine with it, as he returned it.
The disciples quietly held back a snicker at the awkward interaction of the peak lords.
Shen qingqiu expected that to be it, but Liu qingge didn't move an inch. He stood in place as if waiting for something.
He looked side to side awkwardly, as he looked like he was weighing his options.
"Can we talk on private?" He said looking like he wasn't going to take no for an answer.  "Sure, let's talk over tea" shen qingqiu said. He didn't know why, the brute might trash the place or beat him to death.
Maybe it was his pretty face, one shen qingqiu wouldn't mind getting killed by.
Fuck maybe he just smoked to much, he really shouldn't talk to Liu qingge this stoned.
The walk back was surprisingly pleasant as shen qingqiu talked about hybrid plants he's discovered and grown. He told Liu qingge how it would affect the beast he hunts immensely. Even joking that if Liu qingge was to bored of a normal monster he could mutate it with one of the deadly herbs he grew in a cave. This surprised and intrigued Liu qingge as intelligent people always peaked his interest.
The man he said was just a lazy bastard has  grown new species of plants which serve various purposes. His disciples as well as the sect could flourish of them if he was being honest.
"Why haven't you shown them to The sect leader?" Liu qingge asked genuinely confused.
Causing shen qingqiu to laugh; me handing out herbs that could make monsters stronger, movements faster and night vision eyes? I'd be suspected to have collided with demons! Fuck, I don't even know why I told you.. you'll report me to the sect leader won't you?" Shen qingqiu says laughing more.
"No! I just find it interesting that mere herbs can do so much to one's physical form." Liu qingge said causing shen qingqius eyes to sparkle.
"Right. That's why this shixong has dedicated his life to learn all the knowledge about them. As well as curses and history which teaches us important lessons.
But you'd be surprised to find some herbs can mess with you mentally, but in a more tame way. A way which is enjoyable. Though dont be mistaken some can induce strong effects. Ones the mind may be unprepared to handle."
Shen qingqiu says cursing his love for flaunting knowledge.
"Ooh?" Liu qingge says intruged, at this point they've reached they're destination.
"Give me a minute" shen qingqiu says before hurrying to brew tea.
Liu qingge felt like he was floating, his first humble conversation with shen qingqiu.
It felt like a dream, no arguing or fighting. Just the look on shen qingqius face of excitement; though his eyes looked quite bloodshot.
Shen qingqiu sat down as he elegantly pulled back his sleeve to pour the tea.
"Now shall we?" Shen qingqiu Said taking a sip followed by liu qingge.
" there is a herb which can give you a euphoric feeling, or make you hungry and tired. Often it depends on the strain as they vary. Some stronger ones can cause strong hallucinations even causing an ego death.
Very dangerous stuff, but it's very interesting." Liu qingge leaned forward confused. "What do you mean by "ego death?" He questioned.
"It means like losing oneself or ones identity. Though it is entirely different depending on the person. But the drug which does this is a fungus.
A mushrooms so strong ones mentality can shatter in mere seconds. Though you dont die, its all mental. Cool right?"
Shen qingqiu realized how much he was talking. He couldn't control it! He just kept babbling and babbling about stuff Liu qingge wasn't interested in! How embarrassing.
Liu qingge was shocked how did such things exist? He's never tried nor heard about a drug like that. Sure he's heard of dangerous mushrooms that make you hallucinate before killing you, but hes never heard of one's which didn't kill you.
Shen qingqiu was surprisingly an interesting person. Even showing and explaining carefully so Liu qingge could understand when confused.
But now Liu qingge was stuck, shen qingqiu completely stopped talking.
His face was slightly red and his eyes looked dazed. "Are you feeling ok?" Liu qingge asks breaking the sudden silence.
"Yea?" Shen qingqiu says looking out at the bamboo. Liu qingge was trying to think of anything to say when a sudden realization hit him. He was suppost to inform shen qingqiu of a mission they where suppost to go on before the sun set.
The sun was now set half way through the bamboo, he got here early in the morning.
How had they talked for hours though it felt like mere minutes?!
When shen qingqiu looked back to face Liu qingge he was met with Liu Qingge ghostly pale and mouth agape.
"W-what?" Shen qingqius surpise caused him to stumble his words.
" we should have left on a mission before the sun set!" Liu qingge said jumping up followed by shen qingqiu. "What?! Why didn't you say anything?!" Shen qingqiu said shouting and grabbing Liu qingge by the shirt. "Cause I was interested in the mushroom thing.." Liu qingge shouted pushing shen qingqiu off.
They both stood staring at eachother before scrambling out to go to their assigned location. Both with mixed feelings about their tea talk.

1160 words. I'm tired asf so maybe spelling errors unless I'm a prodigy. ✌️
Anyways enjoy shen qingqiu being exited.

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