||CHAPTER 12||

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"Venkatesh move!" The other boys says in commanding tone glaring back at him, while Venkatesh hold his arms tightly, there is unusual fury in his eyes, his gaze darken on the boy.

Suchitra turns her head, as her attention grabs by Venkatesh who is facing back infront Suchitra, while she sees friend of Karan holding a thick bamboo stick.

Before she can get up and stop, suddenly Venkatesh let of his grip on the boy, breathing for a second, his fingers curling up into a tight fist, as he trembles a bit, the tension rises more, as Venkatesh slams his fist hard against his jaws, in the fraction of  seconds, in reaction the boy falls badly writhing in pain, while both Karan and Suchitra widens there eyes is terror.

Karan somehow gets up running towards his friend, who is now bleeding badly from lips and teeths, his jaws seems to me little swollen as the punch hits him mostly on his teeth making bleed and crush into the muscle inside his mouth.

Venkatesh stands there breathing heavily, his knuckles bleeding a bit.

"Venky!" Sagnik calls as all the boys organises there hearing the loud scream, Venkatesh atlast comes back to his senses as he firstly looks at Sagnik, then the boy then his eyes travels back to Suchitra who was looking at him with shock and confusion mixed up together like a potion in her eyes, Venkatesh looks all over her, for a second to make sure if she is fine or not, his face still emotionless unlike his soft demeanor, Suchitra and Sagnik both are shocked to core, a boy like him who never even hit someone jokingly, did this brutal injury, it is understandable that he tries to defend someone, but the punch was unnecessary also not expected from him.


"My son is innocent, that's all i know never in his entire i have seen him even being angry, i don't what you people are talking about" Venkatesh's mother says.

As the swimming instructor makes all Suchitra, Venkatesh and Karan together while his friend has currently gone for dressing, due to heavy bleeding.

"Yes ofcourse we all blind right, you know there's a thing called CCTV. Cameras, i hope you are aware of such devices, before blindly supporting your son who almost broke the jaws of that boy" one of swimming instructors speaks crossing his arms across his chest.

Venkatesh is not at all looking down or ashamed for what he did, this looks strange to his own mother too, whenever he is at fault even when he is just accused but at this moment he isn't looking down or anything.

"I accept i did it there's no need to support" Venkatesh says looking at his mother, then looking away a bit.

As her mother snaps back saying something in Tamil which rest of the people there surely can't understand.

"You did?" His mother asks there is look of disappointment in her face.

"There is reason, amma" he answers.

"What is it?" She asks slightly glaring at him, but her expression mostly marked with disappointment which somehow hurt Venkatesh to core, this look of her is rarest or better if said alien to him, he had been the most loved child of her among the three siblings also on the top of that this behaviour of him itself is alien to her.

"I just defended, he was about to hit Suchitra with a freaking bamboo stick, she could have get worse injuries than that boy" Venkatesh answers this time to all the people presents in the room.

Venkatesh's mother look over Suchitra, there is silent hatred or the feeling of disgust in her eyes taking it's root, being always overprotective over her son, it's normal for her to be angry, Suchitra looks down a bit, not because she is scared or something, rather because she is being respectful.

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