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Ink was bored as per usual but there was one good thing about being bored this little cute blue creature called blueberry/blue he was nothing like his past lover's well blue wasn't his lover yet but he made it his goal to make him fall in love with him so ink was a bit touchy and flirty but blue didn't pay much attention to him because he was like that half of the time so he found it not different but it got to a point where he was uncomfortable with ink but ink sometimes felt like that with blue so he was fine with it so one day ink would grab blue from behind just to hug him blue thought something was wrong with ink but he hugged him back but ink kissed blue on the cheek and so he caused blue to blush so blue tried to cover it up with his hand's but ink saw him blush and ink teased him with a kiss on his hand then mouth but pulled back when blue was about to kiss him back blue being mad about it ink was a tease so nothing should've made blue mad but he didn't expect for ink to tease him kiss- edition ink thought okay I'll just stop teasing him so he stops but actually kissed blue and blue kissed him back

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