Part 1

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It was late at night and Y/n was strolling on deck because she couldn't sleep

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It was late at night and Y/n was strolling on deck because she couldn't sleep. Her friends were already sleeping in their hut and since she won a cruise ship, it would be stupid to not claim the prize.

     The sea was acting up and the boat was rocking due to the waves. It became heavier with the minute and she decided to go back to her sleeping bunk. But she never made it.

      The ship was hit by a huge wave and Y/n fell over the railing, straight down into the icy cold water.

      Y/n has a little secret. She is a siren. She never knew why she had a tail. The only thing she knew was that the bleu stone she was wearing around her neck helped her. When she wore it and touched water her tail came popping out but not for long. The stone had a countdown and when the energy was gone, the tail disappeared too.

     She had no fear, the only thing she had to do was swim to the shore. She swimmed so fast but unfortunately the coast was still so far away and the stone's energy ran out. Her tail dissolved and there she was. Helpless splashing water while trying to call for help.

      Jungkook was searching for some fun when he saw Y/n in the distance. She was going under with no energy left to swim up.

     "Found a new pray." He smirked and swam to her. He floated in front of her and as soon as Y/n saw him she used her last bit of energy to swim over to him. She swung her arms around his neck and kissed him.

     For some reason her instinct told her to do so. She knew that kissing him would give her some air again.

     Jungkook realized that she was kissing him and pushed her away. "You dare to touch me,you mere human?" He looked so pissed at her and took her by the arm. Dragging her in the water towards a smile island where there was a smile cave for shelter. As soon as his tail touched the sand they turned into feet. Male sirens were able to leave the sea. Their hunting territory goes way further than women, who only could hunt men in the water.

     He dragged Y/n on land with a fierce expression. He threw her a bit further on the island and came standing above her, looking down to her soaked face.

     "You are staying here from now. I was going to kill you, sparing you the pain but since you dared to kiss me..." He touched his lips, halting his sentence, remembering it again and was flustered. He shook his head and continued. "You need to bear with the consequences." He saw her necklace and frowned. He tore it away from her neck and looked at it. " This is mine now." You won't need it anymore." He chuckled and left.

     When he arrived home he was staring at the blue stone, mesmerized by its shining glow. He then threw it on a pile with treasures from other girls who were his victims.

     He laid down and closed his eyes, ready to sleep but Y/n, the girl he just caught was still lingering in his head. Or was it her kiss? He was tossing and turning around until finally he drifted to sleep.

     Next morning, Y/n woke up with a heavy head. "What happened, why am I here?" She looked around putting her hand above her eyes to block the sun who shone in her face.

     "The stone should be replenished again." She looked down only to find it gone. "Ow no! Where is it?" She looked to the ground, stomping the sand away, hoping to find it.

     "Are you looking for your necklace?" Suddenly a voice came from behind her. She turned around and saw a man's head sticking out from the surface. "Where is it?" She yelled back.

     Jungkook calmy stepped out of the water, his tail magically spliced into 2 legs. He smirked looking at Y/n's face but he noticed that she wasn't shocked at all. Why was that, he wondered. He walked closer, very close, which made her stumble on the sand. "W-what are you doing?" Y/n said with a stuttering voice.

     He sat on top of her, grabbing her hands and pinned them down above her head while he was leaning to her face. "You don't remember what happened yesterday. Should I help you?" He kissed her making Y/n remember.

     After that memory popped up she tried to shake him off. "Sorry bae, You dared to touch me now you're mine." He bit his lip while looking down, his eyes scanning her body like he had x-ray vision.

      "Please, I only did it to save my life. I needed oxygen." She screamed while squirming. "And how do you know we can do that?" He lifted one eyebrow up.

     "I don't know why. Something inside me told me, please spare me." A tear left her eye while pleading for her life. " Jungkook was very curious about this human being. He was intrigued by her. He got up and sat down on the sand with his arms resting on his knees, looking at the distance.

     "Are you keeping me forever here? Then please give me back my necklace. It is something dear to me. I promise you can do whatever you like with me after that." She sat up bowing down her head. Begging him to return the stone.

     "Fine. I'll bring it tomorrow. " Jungkook stood up and jumped into the water. Probably getting some food for Y/n. Y/n smiled as her plan succeeded. The moment she has her stone back she could swim out of here, away from jungkook. The problem is that she didn't know where she was so it was a gamble for her. She saw another island in the distance and thought about taking shelter there until the stone is fully charged again.

     Y/n was really getting bored. And decided to take a nap so that the time moves quicker. She went into the cave for safety and drifted to sleep.

 She went into the cave for safety and drifted to sleep

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