New relationship

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And of course, after exactly 5 minutes, Kim woke up. Porchay was on his phone, scrolling on Instagram. Porchay knew Kim was awake since he had always stood by his word. Chay slowly sat up, looking over to the baby admiring him as if he was a walking god. 

"Get up, P'Kim, we have to leave in half an hour." Porchay held out his hand. Kim only smiled and took his hand, kissing his backhand. Porchay could only wait as Kim took his time to get out of bed. 


"Remind me, why are you trying to put my darling in danger again?" Kim said over the phone. "No- That isn't a reason to throw him in an abandoned house with a client that hasn't given you money! You are unbelievably and utterly mad. I will not let you do that, it's either he stays out of this or you aren't getting any fucking money from the client, not even a cent!"

The nephews sat on the couch, looking over to their uncle leaning back onto the single sofa chair, his arms spread across the arm of the chair and his leg on top of the other. They look at each other in defeat. They had been trying to move Kim and Porchay away from this mess so they could live a peaceful life. Despiting they have a lover of their own they love and adore very much, they were willing to do anything for their uncle.

"You will not force my boyfriend into your doing, don't even try!" 

Porchay walked into the scene, looking over at his nephews confused. Vivian got up and took him to the kitchen to explain. "P'Kim is fighting Grandpa over the phone. He loves you very much, you know?"

Porchay sighed and nodded. "I know, it's just that-- I feel like he has been overworking himself and I'm getting worried, you know that kind of feeling where your lover is overworking so much till the point where it feels like he barely cares about me? Let alone his health!". Porchay had a frustrated and worried expression on his face. "It will be okay na, P'. When I get back to the Main House I'll talk to Grandpa for you." Vivian patted his back, assuring him that everything will be okay and that it just needs some time.

"At this point, there isn't any reason to stress out so much, despiting the fact that P'Kim is working so hard, he will have time for you no matter what, even if it means missing out on a family trip, and you know how much it means to him."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry for just venting to you like this," Porchay paused. "It's okay, we are all here for you, we are your nephews after all." Vivian smiled.

Porchay glanced over at Kim who had finally gotten off the phone and started to have some fun talking to the rest. He cracked a smile and dragged himself back to the living room with Vivian trailing behind him.

He went on his phone, dialing someone.

"Yeah okay- Thanks." He hung up the call, looking back at his uncle. "Alrighty, P'Kim, P'Porchay, Grandpa said that you can take another half an hour's break and Pol will come to take you guys to the location."

"Thanks, kid," Kim responded, walking over to Porchay, who was sitting alone on the sofa. He laid his head on Porchay's lap, looking up and smiling at his brand new boyfriend who had recently just accepted his love for him. He cracked a smile. Payu and Prapai were chatting with each other, Vivian and Gun glanced at each other from time to time, feeling very single. Even though Vivian's crush, Jen (Also from StepByStep), likes him back but unfortunately Vivian didn't notice... Barely.

"O-ho! I feel single already." Vivian exclaimed. Kim stared at his nephew. "What?" 

"You know Jen actually likes you, right?" 

"Wait- What? How? When? Why? Huh?-"

"He literally flirted with you, you two made out already, and he has been going over to your place for whoever knows how long, and YOU DIDN'T KNOW?!" 

"Fuck it, I'm calling him right now-"

"Already on it dumbass," Kim had speed-dialed Jen, holding it up for a split second as proof before sitting back up and placing the call on speaker. He held his finger to his lips, signaling for everybody to shut the fuck up. 

"Hello?" Jen answered the phone. Vivian was gripping onto the singular sofa for emotional support if everything goes wrong. His heart was thumping out of his chest, he already had sweat dripping down his forehead. 

"Hey, uh, Jen?" Kim responded, throwing Vivian a pack of tissues. "Oh hey, P'Kim, what can I do for you?" 

"I just have one question, would that be okay?" Kim asked, standing up and dragging Vivian over. "Sure, of course, anything." Jen happily agreed, patiently waiting. "So, do you actually like Ai'Jaab?" Kim glanced over at his sweating nephew. 

"Well..." Jen paused, Kim shook his head in disappointment and wiped the sweat off of his (Vivian) head. Porchay was trying so hard not to burst out laughing and so were the others as they watched and listened. "Yeah, I do."

Vivian's eyes widened at the answer. Kim smirked and continued to ask more questions. "Do you know why you like him that much?"

Jen chuckled. "One second, would you mind turning this call into a Facetime?" Kim asked, Vivian was holding onto his uncle's arm for dear life. "Sure, I don't mind," Jen replied. Vivian backed away, scared for his feelings. Is he going to be rejected? Who knows?

Kim turned on the camera, adjusting the phone properly to face only him and Porchay before his nephew freaks out. "Anyway. So, the reason that I really like your nephew is that... He's handsome, of course. He's unexpectedly kind, cute and adorable, and so respectful." Jen was blushing all over his face. Kim smiled and glanced at his nephew, who was now adjusting to the A/C that was turned on by his chuckling cousin.

"Is somebody else there? If you don't mind me asking, of course." Jen has a curious personality, so it wouldn't be that uncommon for him to ask these kinds of questions. "Definitely," Gun yelled. "Oh, N'Gun?" 

"It's your dearest friend. Payu, Prapai, and..." 

"And what?"

"...Someone who likes you is here." 

"Who is it?"

"Oih! Vivian come here!" Kim attempted to drag him by his arm. 

"No! Never! He can't see me like this!" Vivian rebelled. 

"100 bucks, get your ass over here!" 


Vivian scooched over, covering his face with a pillow that he found. The two lovebirds were speechless. Jen was shocked and embarrassed that he had just confessed out loud, while Vivian was blushing like crazy. They were both smiling and pursing their lips, their eyes fluttering from the shyness, it was absolute chaos. 

The second that he (Vivian) was caught off-guard, Porchay snatched the pillow away from his hands. "P'! Give me the pillow back!" He attempted to snatch the pillow back or grab another pillow from elsewhere but gave up. "Run away and you'll lose that hundred bucks of yours." Kim threatened, handing him the phone to speak for himself.

"H-Hi," He stuttered, "Hey," Jen smiled and pursed his lips, glancing off to the side. Vivian looked back at his uncle and cousins who were leaning to another side to give them some space. Kim nodded, assuring him that he can do it. 

"I... Like you!" 

"I like you too," Jen responded. Their ears were the color of strawberries, everyone was smiling. "Can Jen come over?" Prapai yelled. Jen chuckled yet again before nodding. "Great job guys, our job is done." Porchay started applauding.

A few minutes after the call ended, Jen was already by the doorstep. Kim and Porchay's extra half an hour was running out so they had to make it quick. Payu opened the door, and Prapai dragged him in, the others were hiding behind the sofa as Jen walked closer to Vivian. 

He held his hand gently and took a deep breath before asking the one and only question. "Will you be my boyfriend?" 


The people from the couch started repeating "Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!" and they did.

It was a slow, passionate kiss, like the one that Kim and Porchay had when they made up. Porchay recorded the entire process and sent it to Vegas. 

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