💫 Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2️⃣ 💫

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It was nearly 2:15 that afternoon when Wendy drove her 2006 black Honda Accord into the parking lot at Teller-Morrow Automotive, Addison in the passenger seat beside her.

During the drive to the auto shop, Addison had sent a text via a group chat that she was part of with the Cullen siblings back in Forks, letting them all know that she had made it to Charming safely and that she would try and keep them updated on ...

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During the drive to the auto shop, Addison had sent a text via a group chat that she was part of with the Cullen siblings back in Forks, letting them all know that she had made it to Charming safely and that she would try and keep them updated on what she found out regarding the topic of her biological father.

Rosalie was the first of the siblings to respond to Addison's message.

Rose: So glad that you made it there in one piece, Addy girl. Miss you bunches, girlie. Hope to hear from you again soon.❤️❤️

Jasper had been the next one to send a reply.

Jas: I'm glad that you made it to Charming safely too, little bit. We all miss you like crazy here. And don't worry, we'll keep an eye on Charlie for you as much as we possibly can.

Addison couldn't help but smile a little at Jasper's assurance to her regarding Charlie. The man may not be her actual father like she'd been led to believe her entire life but that didn't mean that she didn't still care for and worry about him.

Addy: Thanks for doing that for me, Jas. I really appreciate it.

After responding to Jasper's message, she continued checking over her messages.

As she did so, the 14 year old saw that she had received multiple texts as well as a bunch of missed calls from none other than Bella.

After reading the first few texts, she saw that they mostly contained threats from the older girl about how she would regret not being home when she was supposed to, etc etc.

Addison just decided to completely block Bella's name and number in her phone just as Wendy parked her car in an empty space in the lot. She turned to the teen and smiled at her.

"So, this is the mechanic shop that is run by Gemma and her husband Clay. Their daughter sometimes helps Gemma out in the office whenever she's not busy with school. "

Addison nodded her head as a silent response.

Wendy also explained to the younger girl that some of the guys there might seem a bit intimidating but that they're actually good guys deep down.

Addison didn't speak and simply nodded her head again. Now that she was actually this much closer to getting the answers to her questions, she couldn't help but feel a little fearful.

What if her father wasn't interested in a relationship with her? Worse, what if he had actually known about her this entire time and had chosen to just ignore her existence altogether?

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