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At night

Tae entered V room and V while reading the book saw Tae ..V smile and said him to come inside

V: come bear ( V patted the bed)

After sitting on the bed

Tae: Hyung can I ask you something?

V: Yes bear you definitely can

Tae: Actually hyung you can you love someone?

V shock to hear this word from Tae

V : ye..yes bear

Tae: can I ask you who that person?

V: it's gguk

Tae: really😱

V: yes bear ☺️

Tae: i am happy to hear that you love him

V: bear can I ask you something?

Tae: Sure you can ask me anything

V: Bear I love cook very much but I am afraid that he doesn't love me back ....if he knows that I love him then I think that he will hate me but I don't want to leave him I want to live with him but can I do bear🥺

Tae: hyung

Then Tae hug his brother and said

Tae: Hyung don't worry anything about that you would definitely believe in yourself that everything happened is that positive... so don't ever think that negative ...that he doesn't love you back... what if he loves you back? what can you do if you know that he loves you?

V: i would definitely love him and cherish him

Tae: That's the think I know that my brother would treat his love like that so first brother tell your emotions to him whatever result it's nothing matter ...if you get positive result then it's good.. if you get negative result then just wait for positive situation that is going to happen just don't give up keep trying I just say that you have to open up your emotions to the person who belongs to don't ever waste time to think that he doesn't love me back and he hate me just get from your in security and be yourself brother... I am always there with you

V: Ok bear i try

Tae: that's my tiger hyung

Then both brothers hug each other

At the other side

Kook enter gguk rooms and call him.. on seeing his brother at the door entrance he smile and said that

Gguk: come in brother why are you standing there?

Then kook come inside the room and sit on the bed and gguk see his brother

Kook: gguk can I ask you something?

Gguk: Yes sure hyung

Kook: Do you love V?

Hearing this from his  brother he got shocked and become nervous

Gguk: hy..hyu..hyung

Kook: Don't be... don't be nervous little brother I know everything you just say whatever you want to say to me..

Gguk: yes hyung i love him ...i love him ..

Kook: do you tell your love to V?

Gguk: hyung don't you angry on me ?🥺

Kook: no bunny ...come here

Then the both brother hug eachother

After the hug

Kook: bunny may be i am strict towards you ...but i am not a bad person that i against your love ...i accept while i have good thoughts for V that's why I accept it..but do you propose V?

Gguk: no hyung i am afraid that V doesn't love me 🥺

Kook: bunny don't ever think before that happens..just reveal your love towards him.. believe in yourself

Gguk: ok hyung

Then gguk  hug his brother

After sometime kook and tae came out of V and gguk room and then they smile each other and hug each other

Flashback before meeting their brothers

Tae: Kookie can I ask you something?

Kook: i also want to ask you something baby?

Tae: what it is kookie?

Kook: first you tell me what do you want to talk with me

Tae: ok ... Kookie i think my hyung loves your brother as well as your brother also

Kook: baby are you my mind reader?


Kook: yaah tae even I also think like that !!

Tae: what 😱

Kook: yes ...but you they both idiots didn't know that even they afraid to reveal their love 🤦

Tae: do you not get angry with my hyung?

Kook: why would I get angry ? Baby before some days I am beast i even don't allow when I know but now i changed you changed me ...your love changed me ☺️☺️...i know how V is ☺️...i definitely be happy when they are together ☺️😊...

Tae: is it really my kookie? ...i can't believe this 😱...but i am happy that you changed..i love you 😘

Kook: i love you too ❤️

Tae: kookie we have to make plan

Kook: what plan ?

Tae: just we have to talk to our brothers to. Realise their feelings as well as to reveal their love

Kook: ok

Tae: fighting 🤜

Kook: Fighting 🤛

Flashback ends


I hope you all like this episode ☺️☺️

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Take care friends 😘☺️

Sarangae 💜💪

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