Let's go home

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"Come on, let's go home." Eren pulled on her sleeve. "To our home."

Tears started streaming down Mikasa's face. "Okay, let's go home." She replied softly, following the Jeagers' lead to their home.

The walk there was long and quiet, none of the three dare say a word. Mikasa cried softly into the red fabric she had recently received, not once looking up at Eren. The boy had let go of her sleeve and grabbed her pale hand instead.

The three arrived at the house late that night, no star could be seen in the sky.

Grisha opened the door slowly. A lady Mikasa didn't recognize quickly stood up from where she was sitting;

"Grisha, I was starting to get worrie-"
The woman's eyes widened when she saw the small girl behind her son. Panic could be seen in her eyes. "Grisha.."
"Eren," Grisha interrupted his wife. "You and Mikasa should wash up. You're both filthy."

Eren nodded and lead Mikasa to the bathroom. The boy took a wet towel to clean Mikasa's face, she spoke in a quiet tone:

"I can do it myself, thank you..."
He nodded and handed her the towel, getting himself one too. The two didn't speak much after that, they simply freshened up.

The Jeagers seemed to have finished their discussion when the children came out.

Mrs. Jeager walked up to Mikasa;

"Hi Mikasa," she began. "You can call me Aunt Carla."
Mikasa said nothing.
"It'll be nice having a sweet girl like you around." Carla smiled softly. "I'm sorry but you'll have to share a bed with Eren. At least for now, is that alright?"
"Yes, thank you very much." Mikasa replied.
"Are you hungry?" Carla asked

Grisha put his hand in his wife's shoulder.

"Honey, the children went through a lot today. Isn't it about time they go to bed?"
"Alright," Carla nodded, still giving a smile. Mikasa thought that her smile was beautiful, but it looked sad. Forced even.

Carla lent Mikasa another nightgown and some blankets.

"Goodnight," The woman leaned in to give Eren a kiss, he kept refusing and pushing his mother away. His cheeks were pink.
"Night mom." The boy pouted.
"Goodnight." Mikasa said back.

The two 9 year olds kept far away from each other in Eren's small bed. Both of the them had their back turned, both at one end of the bed.

Eren fell asleep almost instantly but not Mikasa. The black haired girl thought of everything that had happened this day. Happier memories ran through her mind, her heart sunk.

For a moment, she truly believed her heart was broken.

'Mom, Dad...' Tears started falling from her eyes once again. She held her knees to her chest. 'I'm all alone.'

Never had she felt this sort of pain, she lived a happy, quiet life in the mountains. But that life was forever gone, she was with a new family. In a new house. It all scared her, the complete change.

She opened one of her eyes to see the neatly folded red scarf on the ground next to her.

Mikasa turned to see Eren, drooling on the pillow. He must have turned in his sleep because he was closer and facing her.

Suddenly, the little boy opened his green orbs. This caused Mikasa to jump off the bed out of fear.

"Mikasa?" He said, half asleep. Eren sat up and looked at the frightened Mikasa. After examinations her face, he spoke, "why are you crying?"
Mikasa wiped her tears away with her sleeves quickly, not saying a word or even looking at Eren. The answer was obvious.

Eren yawned, offering his hand. "Come here."

Mikasa slowly took his hand. Eren pulled her harshly to bed. The two were now face to face under the covers, the small female gulped.

"Don't worry," Eren whispered. "You're not alone, I promise to stay by your side. Okay?"
Mikasa's eyes widened.
"I promise." Eren repeated, pulling her close for a hug.

He had accepted her as his family, Mikasa thought. The gesture had warmed her heart she once thought broken. She sobbed in his arms.

The brunet didn't complain, he played with her hair with one hand. She held onto him as if her life depended on it.

Mikasa fell asleep to the familiar smell of the woods and the sound of his steady breathing.


The next morning, Carla and Grisha went to check on the kids.

"I'm worried about her," the woman sighed. "You know how Eren is with others, I know this isn't a normal circumstance but-"
"But nothing, it'll maybe take time for them to grow close but after they've been through.." Grisha frowned, slowly opening Eren's bedroom door.

Carla softly gasped. The scene they saw was better than they had hoped.

The covers were on the floor but the two children were in deep sleep. Both still embracing.

"'Let's leave them to sleep now." Grisha whispered in Carla's ear. "They'll be fine..."


Hi, this was chapter 1! I hope I did okay, leave comments if I fucked up. I'll try to update. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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