The superstar

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First name: Tristan

Last name: Laflamme

Scenename: Storm

Nicknames: Tris, T, Starboy, etc.

Age: 20

Date of birth: November 11th ****

Zodiac sign: Scorpio

Place of birth: Tolouse, France.

Current residence: Los Angeles, California, United States.

Gender: male.

Pronouns: he/him.

Species: human.

Sexuality: bisexual. 

Nationality: French.

Languages spoken: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Romanian. 

Occupation: singer.

Wealth class: upper class.

Residence: his own penthouse in Bel Air.

Position in bed: dominant bottom.

Addictions: none. 


Height: 175 cms

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Height: 175 cms.

Weight: 60 kgs. 

Hair color: dyed white, his natural hair color is platinum blond.

Hair lenght: short i guess; he usually wears it in a windswept kind of style (I don't know exatly how to describe it). 

Eye color: purple/grey. 

Eyesight: good.

Skin tone: very pale. 

Piercings: belly button piercing.

Jewerly/accesories: he wears many on his concerts and he always changes them according to what he's wearing, but he has a plattinum bracelet which he received from his father, that he never takes off.

Tattoos: has the letter S tattooed on his left forearm; it's the initial from his mother's name (Silvia), who always supported his passion about music and was there for him at all times.

Scars: he has a few scars on his body from the times when he used to get in fight at school; when he was young, Tristan wasn't a quiet kid and would most times get in troubles or fights.

Distinguishing marks: none (ig).

Figure: tall and slim.

Abnornalities: none.



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Personality: Tristan is very energetic, he's not type to just sit at home and do nothing

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Personality: Tristan is very energetic, he's not type to just sit at home and do nothing. When he isn't on tour or working on his music, he likes to explore; he's very outgoing. Tristan is a social butterfly, he likes to make friends and he gets along with anyone he meets. Some would call him an extrovert. Although one wouldn't tell on first impression, he's actually pretty smart. He's very passionate about his music and it always comes as a top priority for him. He is kind hearted; he would always help someone in need, even if this means messing up his schedule for the day. 

Likes: his friends, having company, singing, dancing, his music, traveling, going out, coffee, the summer, etc

Dislikes: being alone, being bored, having no inspiration, being stuck at home, losing his voice, etc. 

Habits: humming his music, tapping his fingers on the table, fidgeting with whatever he has in his hand, etc. 

Hobbies: singing, creating music, travelling, taking pictures, etc. 

Talents: singing, dancing.

Pet peeves: prolonged silence.

Fears: losing his voice one day, something bad happening to his family or close friends, etc.

Family and friends. 

Mother (Silvia Laflamme, alive, age 45, they have a good relationship).

Father (Julien Laflamme, alive, age 49, they have a good relationship).

Brother (Quentin Laflamme, alive, age 25, they have a good relationship).

Pets: none. 

Friends: he has a lot of friends.

Backstory: Tristan was born in Toulouse, France and spent his childhood years there. He had a loving family and they never lacked anything. Both of his parents were working and they had a good financial situation. Tristan developed his passion for music from an early age and his parents took notice of this and they signed him up for canto classes. Tristan progressed quickly and at the age of fifteen, he got accepted at Music Academy International in France. He graduated early and it didn't take long until he started his own journey in music, when he received an offer from a well-known american record company and he moved to America. He still keeps in touch with his family and the friends he had in France and he visits them on holidays. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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