Cough cough

16 1 3

You and a guy named kento study in the same college/university unfortunately for you you two were chosen to be roommates. You and him haven't really talked a lot because he always locks himself up in his room to study and rarely even says hi to you. Most of your conversations are due to you borrowing his stuff without asking and its quite annoying how pissed he gets so you try to leave before he notices most of the time but today you were a bit too late as you open the door of your room and take a step out, and before you can react you're immediately pinned to the wall by your roommate kento, who seems very pissed off

"Hey!!! What are y-...let go!!" You say a bit caught off gaurd from being pinned to the wall

"Did you eat my fucking food again?" Kento asks in a agressive and agitated voice, leaning closer as his grip on your wrists tightens even more

Kento's stern expression remains in place as he glares at you, his body pressing against yours and you can feel  his hot breath fanning over your neck.

"Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about. I only have a little bit left and now it's practically gone. If you wanted food, go buy your own." He slightly releases your wrists but still has a hold on them, stepping back just enough to create a small space between your bodies. "Do i make myself clear?" He adds

"Whatever! Its just some food geez its not even expensive and i did buy more it's in my car" you huff rubbing your wrists where he held you

Kento calms down slightly, his expression still annoyed but his grip loosening from your wrist.
"Well, next time just buy your own food to begin with. I don't want you eating mine again. It's not that hard to understand." He takes a deep breath, trying to calm down and his eyes scan your face. He notices how close you two are and he can feel his body betraying him, his eyes lowering to your lips for a moment before he clears his throat and takes a step back. "Whatever..." you mumble underneath your breath Kento scoffs, a faint smirk tugging at the corners of his lips as he notices your slight aggression.

"You're impossible, You know that?"
He shakes his head before turning around and walking back to his room, giving you one last glance over his shoulder and with that you sigh and you sink yourself into the couch annoyed with being scolded like that and tired from all your earlier classes. After a few moments of silence, kento opens his door and steps out of his room. He walks over to the kitchen and starts fiddling with some dishes, trying to distract himself from the moment with you. He glances toward the couch and notices you sitting there he feels a bit guilty for how harsh he was.

"Hey, you hungry? I was thinking of making some food i can cook you some if you want" kento offers, trying to diffuse the tension between you two.
"You know how to cook?" You say in a jokingly taunting tone. Kento rolls his eyes, a faint smirk playing at his lips. "Of course, I know how to cook. I'm not some helpless child"

He walks over to the fridge and starts taking out ingredients, his movements fluid and confident. He starts chopping vegetables and tossing them in a pan, the sizzling sounds filling the room. "This is a simple stir-fry. Are you allergic to anything?" he asks, glancing over his shoulder at you. "Nope no allergies here" you reply as you watch him cook

"Good. Then, sit there and let me do my magic." Kento says as he sets the pan on the stove and starts adding ingredients to it. He then adds sauce to the mixture and continues stirring as the aroma of the food begins to fill the air. "So, what are you studying at the university?" Kento asks, trying to make conversation as he continues cooking. You talk to him as you sit on the couch and as you glance over you notice he's doing something incorrectly and then you get up and stand behind him and place your hand over his using his hands you show him how to cut a vegetable your body lightly pressing into him as you taught him carefully  "here like this" you said

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