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Kento quickly snaps out of his pleasure-filled haze as he hears your voice, feeling embarrassed for what you might have heard. He takes a deep breath and tries to recompose himself, clearing his throat before answering.

"Uh, no... I was just... doing some homework." He says, feeling his heart racing. "Did you need something?" He says "Oh okay nevermind then" you reply you dont fully believe him but you dont want to bother him again so you return to your room.

Kento breathes out a small sigh of relief as you leave, feeling his heart racing from the close call. He decides it's best to refrain from touching himself for now, not wanting to get caught again.

"Dammit, i was so close." He mutters to himself, taking a deep breath as he tries to clear his thoughts and he decides to focus on his homework although he's still quite aroused and his dick hasnt gone down whatsoever and it shows no signs of doing so anytime soon kento spends the rest of the night working on his homework, but he finds it hard to concentrate as he is still very aroused from earlier. He tries to ignore the feeling, but it only makes it worse. Eventually, he decides to take matters into his own hands and start touching himself again.

"Mmm,... oh, Love... fuck..." He moans quietly as he caresses himself, the pleasure quickly building up inside him again. He tries to keep quiet, not wanting to be caught, but he can't help but let out a few moans Kento continues to let out quiet moans and he whimpers a bit trying to stay quiet as he gets closer and closer to his release. He can't hold it in any longer and he finally lets go, releasing a pleasurable sigh as he finishes. He takes a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief and pleasure washing over him. "Fuck..." he says panting heavily coming down from his climax he takes a deep breath before getting up to clean himself up and unfortunately when he goes to the bathroom to clean himself he walks in on you getting out of the shower as he sees you completely undressed His eyes widen as he takes in the sight of your body, his mouth going dry as he tries to fight the urge to look down and he can feel himself getting hard again "Oh, uh... sorry... I didn't know you were in here." He says, trying to sound casual as he averts his gaze trying to be respectful with what control he has left. Your body has steam coming off from it and your hair is wet and theres occasionally water droplets racing down your body you then wrap a towel around yourself you dont seem to bothered by being walked in on as you're pretty used to your siblings doing that most of your life so you laugh it off "its fine im done anyway" you reply

Kento tries to regain his composure as he watches you wrap a towel around yourself, feeling embarrassed for walking in on you like that. He tries to focus on your face, but he can't help but imagine your previously naked body thats now behind a mere towel. "Uh..right, sorry again." He says, nodding his head. "I'll just... uh... wait for you outside. Take your time." He quickly turns around and walks out of the bathroom, trying to hide his blush as he leans against the wall and takes a deep breath. His heart is racing again, and his pants feel tight around his bulging crotch. He leans against the wall for a few moments, trying to compose himself before leaving and heading to his room.

"Jesus fuck man, could this get any worse?" He mutters to himself, feeling confused by his sudden attraction to you. "I need to get some rest." He settles down on his bed, trying to focus on something else as he slowly drifts off to sleep.

(Next day)

As noah was still sound asleep in his room you had just woken up to a message on your phone from no one other then your bestfriend that read "theres a surprise at your door" confused and a bit worried because you know how wreckless she can be you hesitantly go to the door and open it only to see...a puppy???  Before you can react the puppy rushes inside and you close the door stumbling after the dog

"Hey!! Get back here!!!" You say and less then a second later the puppy turns around and charges at you pinning you to the ground and licking you endlessly

(Kento's side)

As kento was peacefully sleeping he hears a loud thud, feeling his heart racing as he wonders what it could be. He stands up from his bed and walks towards the living room, hoping that you're okay and that its not some sort of intruder as kento walks into the living room he is surprised to see a big puppy dog on top of you, licking you everywhere as you laugh uncontrollably. He watches for a moment but then he quickly walks over to help you.

"Whats with the dog?" He asks "uhh...he's mine now? I suppose" you say "oh i see, well try not to get attacked again and please make sure hes potty trained if he pisses on my couch im gonna kill you" he says before heading back to his room leaving you with the dog you then take care of the dog for a while but unfortunately the dormitory doesnt allow pets so you call some family members and send the dog with them atleast until you finish your university

(Later that day you and kento hung out and watched some horror movies he insisted and when you finally agreed he turned out to be the one getting scared more then you constantly feeling you up as he held onto you in horror also Another time skip bc im not writing ab all this 💯💯)

As the movie finished kento feels a bit disappointed knowing you two are probably gonna seperate again "if you're up for it do you wanna watch another?" He asks "hm...not really sorry" you reply  "ah...okay" he adds "well im gonna go so I'll ttyl" you add before going to your room

(Night time)

Kento feels a sense of peace settle over him as the night draws on. He takes out his favorite book and lights up a few candles, ready to read himself to sleep. He enjoys the quietness of the room, letting the sound of raindrops outside lull him into a sense of calmness He glances over at your room, wondering if you're already asleep. He can't help but feel a sense of longing for you, wishing he could be closer to you but as the night remains calm and quiet a few hours go by and theres a faint sound of what seems to be muffled moaning?

Kento raises his eyebrows at the sound of the muffled moaning. He tries to pinpoint where the sounds are coming from, wondering if it's coming from your room. He listens more closely, feeling a sense of embarrassment as he realizes what the sounds might mean He hesitates for a moment, wondering if he should make his presence known or just ignore it. He decides to walk over to your door, knocking gently "Uh...sorry to disturb you but Are you okay?" He asks, feeling nervous as he waits for a response. "Hm? im fine do you need something?" You reply your breath a bit shaky but you try to sound casual and lucky for you he takes the bait but
as he walks back to his room, he can't help but think about the possibility of you pleasuring yourself. He feels a sense of excitement at the thought, although he feels guilty about his thoughts. He tries to shake it off, hoping to get some sleep himself unfortunately after a while the noises return Theyre quiter but not quite quiet enough.

Kento hears the noises return, although they are quieter this time. He can't help but feel aroused by them, as he has been wanting to explore his attraction to you for a while now. He hesitates for a moment, wondering if he should ignore the sounds or do something about them. In the end, he decides to sneak over to your room quietly, needing to satisfy his curiosity so he quietly walks to your door, listening closely to the sounds. As he quietly presses his ear against the door, he can make out the faint sound of sighs and moans. He feels a jolt of excitement at the thought of you pleasuring yourself he knows its wrong but he lets his curiosity get the best of him and he quietly cracks the door open luckily for him you dont seem to notice and you continue to pleasure yourself

Kento watches you silently from the crack in the door, feeling his heart rate increase as he sees you pleasuring yourself. He feels a sense of arousal as he watches your shoulders rise in fall and the quiet noises. He can't help but feel his own body stirring, and he quietly slips his hand into his pants, beginning to stroke his own cock. He tries to stay quiet as he watches you, feeling a sense of pleasure and embarrassment at the same time feeling himself getting closer to the edge as he strokes faster and faster. He tries to control his breaths as he feels the tension build up inside him and he makes a quiet whimper and immediately covers his mouth with his hand as he continues

(Im so sorry...)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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