Untitled Part 4

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does he like me?Does me loathe my existence?I feel so stupid.I will never know.How he keeps playing with my feelings,And never loves me in the end.How he stares at me.And smiles.How we casual touches me.How everything is bright when he is near.But no.When I have officially fallen for him..It never works.Flirting was "just friends"I feel so stupidLooking through his newsfeed.Did he like her photo.Why is it her?Is it because she is pretty?I feel so stupid.Did I mention that I feel stupid?I feel stupid because I'm always chasing him.It's like running around in circles.Yet nobody understands."Why do you like him?""He's a player"That's all they say.Fuck.I feel so stupid.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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