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Everyone screamed as the boy just walked into the school,

He then spotted one of his friends.

"Yo Felix"
The boy turns around and gets excited in a second.

The boy jumps in his best friends arms, and hugs him so tight that he could hardly breathe.

"F-felix l-let me b-breathe!"
Felix pulled out of the hug laughing.

"My bad, sorry Ji!"
"It's fin-"

Jisung got interrupted by another excited boy that jumped on both him and Felix laughing.

"Don't swear you're still a child."

Jisung told Jeongin.

"Sorry mom"
"Forgiven, anyway let's go to class I hate standing in the middle of the hallway, and being fucking watched by hoes."

He told the boys.

Yes Jisung was really popular, but he never liked attention from everyone.
He didn't mean to be popular but by his looks and talent of course everyone was interested.

"What class do you have now?"
"Oh sucks, I have english"
Felix said sulking.

"English is not that hard, at least you are better at math"
Jisung said annoyed that he has his first class the subject that he hates the most.

"You two suck, I have dance practice!"
Jeongin stuck his tongue out at the two.

They just rolled there eyes.

"Rude much" Jeongin said fake gasping.

"Anyway I have to go ,Mr.Kim hates me already, see you at lunch."
Jisung said and the two agreed, they waved at there friend and went in different ways.

Jisung arrived in his class, and of course all eyes on him, but he was already used to it and just sat down in his seat.

Minutes later the door burst open, a boy pretty popular walked in and all eyes are on him now, the teacher scolded him but he just ignored him and went in his seat, of course the back of class.

Jisung didn't even bother looking, he already knew who just entered, it was no other then Lee Minho.

Minho and Jisung are not friends, they hate each other but no one knows why, there friends know that Jisung hates Minho because he is always getting on his nerves.

But no one knows why Minho hates Jisung.

It's rumoured that they were friends in past and something happened but some think that they are ex's.

Jisung doesn't care why Minho hates him, he just hates his presence and hopes he will stop annoying him.

Jisung felt a tap on his shoulder, he turns around and sees one of his fanboys, the boy was cute but not jisungs type.

He looked at the boy confused why he tapped him, he gives him a look to continue what he wants, but got nothing in response.

"Need something?" Jisung asked the boy.
"O-oh w-well I just wanted to say that your o-outfit l-looks cute t-today.."

The boy wanted to slap himself for stuttering.

Jisung didn't really care but he smiled and thanked the boy and turned his attention back to the board.

The class ended and jisung got up from his seat and packed his backpack.

Just when he wanted to walk out of the class the saw a big crowd right in front of the door, he got pretty annoyed when he tried to get out of the crowd but failed, then he snapped.

"Bro can you move, I'm trying to get to my class?!"
When he got out of the crowd he bumped into someone.

It was of course Minho, he was in the middle of the crowd telling them some shit.

Minho looked down and smirked.

"Why are you smirking asshole, move."
"Aw is someone grumpy from the spring break? How sad" he smiled.

Gosh how jisung wanted punch him in the face for smiling like an idiot.

"Gosh stop smiling like a bitch and move!"
He tried to move but failed because Minho was blocking his way out.

He had enough, he pushed Minho hard and walked off, like a badass.

Everyone watched how jisung walked away and smiled like idiots.

Minho smiled

"Still playing hard to get." He mumbled to himself.

The truth is that Minho doesn't hate jisung, he like getting on his nerves, he always tells everyone how he hates him but in reality he just really likes the attention from him.

It's my first time writing a fanfiction so please don't judge me! And please tell me if I have any mistakes, english is not my first language so please don't hate!

Sorry the chapter is pretty short I'll try better next time!

Anyway, what do you think about this chapter?:D

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