Chapter 1580

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Chaoge had become quite familiar with Jun Linyun after their journey here together. Hence, she waved at him through the window. "Jun Linyun, come and sit with us." She had left a good impression on Jun Linyun, and he thought about coming in. However...

Granny Gong lifted the curtain. "Your Royal Highness, please come in. His Royal Highness is here as well, and so is Young Lord Feng."

Jun Linyun was about to step in, but... He suddenly remembered what Jun Wuxia had said just then. Don't meet Feng Wu. Don't play with Feng Wu. Don't get close to Feng Wu... Turning around, Jun Linyun saw that Jun Wuxia was still staring at him from a distance. She looked like she was going to rush over and cry her eyes out if he dared go in.

Jun Linyun was speechless. That woman was so much trouble. His dream girl was so much better. She didn't do such nonsense; she was decisive in her actions and never cried. After sighing inwardly, Jun Linyun waved at them. "Brother Feng, I'm not going in. You guys come out here."

Feng Xun said grumpily, "Get in here and meet little Feng Wu." Because she was going to be his future sister-in-law.

However, Jun Linyun waved his hands. "No, that won't be necessary. I shouldn't meet her. Otherwise, my sister will cry her eyes out. Brother Feng, come out here already. We need to visit the next clan. It's the Feng clan's turn."

Feng Xun still wanted to hang out with Feng Wu for a while, but Jun Linyun kept urging him. "Brother Feng, don't you want to know what that girl looks like? Aren't you curious who she is? Don't you want to find her quickly?"

"Fine, fine. Stop nagging." With no other choice, Feng Xun had to stand up and say goodbye to Feng Wu.

Feng Wu was crying inwardly... She didn't know how to describe her feelings anymore. Jun Linyun wouldn't come in, so she decided that it wasn't her fault. Poor Jun Linyun. The real Feng Wu was only a few steps away from him, and he wouldn't be able to find that girl anywhere else.

When Feng Xun came to find Feng Wu at dinner time, Chaoge asked curiously about the outcome. "Did you find her? Did Prince Jun Linyun find his dream girl?" Chaoge asked curiously as she handed Feng Xun some skewered meat.

Feng Xun shook his head as he wolfed down his food. He ate more than a dozen in a row. Only then did he slow down a little. "We couldn't find her," said Feng Xun, smiling wryly. "That's just the strangest thing. We checked all the girls of the right age in the campsite according to the list, even the chambermaids and servant girls, but we still couldn't find her. Did she run off already?"

Chaoge said, "Isn't this entire area covered with a formation? No outsider can get in, and we can't get out even if we wanted to."

Feng Xun nodded. "Because the spiritual essence is about to recover, the formation on this spirit source land has activated. It's true. No one can get in or out. The deadline was right after you arrived."

Chaoge nodded. "That is to say, that girl has to be in the campsite. Is it possible that she's not one of us?"

Feng Xun said, "I thought the same, but according to Linyun, that girl is definitely one of us. She didn't look like a grass lander."

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