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This is going to be chaotic :>
3rd person pov
The trio was looking around the plantars house for you because they hadn't seen you for a long time. They walked into the kitchen to see y/n perched on the table in the center of the room with your ears up and tail flicking happily behind you. There was also one last detail. Your e/c eyes now had dilated pupils. Marcy slowly walked over to you while you stared at her. "Hey y/n? Why are you on the kitchen table?" She asked staring at your perched figure. "Ooooh i just thought it be reallly fun if i was above everyone else. Soooo now im on my throne!" She replied with a large grin spread across their face. At this point anne and sasha were standing next to marcy. "Uhmmm are you okay y/n?" Sasha asked concerned. "Ohh in fiiiinne! Great actually i get to sit on my throne!" She yelled. "Yea you are definitely not okay. Your pupils are dialated and you seem more energetic then usual. Hmmmm..." marcy listed the things wrong about you. " wait. This is a farm so wouldn't that mean theres catnip around here?" Marcy questions. Anne and sasha seemed to realize this. You had good scent so you could probably smell something good like catnip from a mile away. "Ohhhh is that what that tasty plant was called??" You asked while tilting your head. "Oh no. If she was alone when she found it that means no one was telling them how much they should eat... Y/N. HOW MUCH DID YOU EAT???" Marcy asked very worriedly. Anne and sasha looked at you with wide eyes. " hmmmmmm i kinda lost track after maybe five leaves?" You said still not knowing the weight of the situation. The groups eyes widened more somehow. " okay we need to get your energy out somehow because you are h!gh and are very oblivious." Marcy said pinching the bride of her nose. " oooooooo *gasp* can we play games! I wanna play games! What can we play? Some board games? Sports? What is there to play in amphibia?" You asked multiple questions but none of them were answered as the trio dragged you to go play games to get your energy out.
* like 5 hour timeskip 👍 *
"Omg how much more of this do we need to dooo!" Sasha asked in a dramatic voice. " i have to agree with sasha how much longer?" Anne asked marcy. " well we need to *yawn* keep them entertained until their energy is gone." Marcy replied sleepily. You and marcy were playing flipwart until your eyes began to feel heavy and you started to yawn more often until the group noticed. " do you finally want to go to bed?" Anne asked exited but still tired. You nodded and went over to anne and wrapped your arms around her torso and nuzzled your head in the crook of her neck. She blushed but then picked you up from your thighs as you already had wrapped your arms around her. She walked to the basement where her room was with sasha and marcy following behind her. She gently sat you down on your bed. But then you made grabby hands and asked her "mhmmm cuddles please..." she blushed but picked you back up and brought you to her bed with her. Sasha and marcy once again followed her because they didn't want to be left out of cuddles. Anne sat down with her legs stretched out in front of her. You sat in her lap and rested your head on her chest. She once again blushed but this time more than before. Sasha and marcy sat down beside anne and you and cuddled into her shoulders which made anne blush even more. Marcy began to pet behind your ears which made you purr softly. This made sure you fell asleep. Eventually they all fell asleep peacefully cuddling each other.

I need suggestions please! I dont know what to write for this book anymore so if someone has an idea please share it! I need ideas! Preferably fluff but i might add some angst to fluff and if its suggested enough AGED UP smut. So just please if you have an idea just ask.

Calamity trio x neko!Reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now