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"So...memory can you heal?"said sarada
"Yea i got it from my mom i used to follow my mom when i was still a child"said memory
"Do you also have super strength?"said boruto
"Yea i do i got my mom Sakura super strength and healing and my mom hinata byakugan"said memory
"Ohhhh do you have any other sibilings?"said sarada
"I have 2 big brothers and a little sister"said memory showing a photo
"Ohh one of your brother looks like the boy version of my mom and your mom and the other one looks like boruto mom and your mom"said sarada
"Yea the pink hair guy is the oldest one he is an anbu he got my mom super strength and healing and he even unlock it"said memory
"What about the other one?"said boruto
"He is shy like my mom he also have byakugan and mom like power"said memory
"What about your cute little sister"said sarada smiling
"Well she only unlock her byakugan"said memory
"Wow at a very young age"said sarada
"Yea she is young but I'm proud of her"said memory
"So menma does your brother also have sharingan"said sasuke
"Yea he already awaken it and he's very scary when he gets angry"said menma
"Is sasuke living with the Naruto on that world?"said Naruto
"Yea after giving birth to my brother sasuke aka dad left but came back because of something"said menma
"What's the reason?"said sasuke
"I thinkkk it's me because an otsutsuki attack us and said I'm a God...."said menma
"It doesn't makes any sense"said Naruto
"Yea but i think my father said I'm special and i am a reincarnation of a powerful God and that explains why i have blue sharingan"said menma
"Well you might be and wow your a reincarnation of a God that means i gave birth to a God in another world"said Naruto
"It seems unbelievable but i don't know anything about your side"said sasuke
"Yea it is at first i dint belive it but sometimes when I'm it of chakara my teammates said that something else control me and i can float too"said menma
"Do you also have karma?"said Naruto
"Well yea but I'm not a vessel"said menma
"Yea you are already a God itself"said sasuke
"So does kawaki exist is your world?"said Naruto
"Yea kawaki is living with us he's kinda annoying tho"said menma
"Hahaha boruto also thinks he's annoying"said Naruto laughing
"Well there is so much happening in my world if i dimension is kinda same then you must know what's going on"said menma
"Yea otsutsuki God's are attacking and leaf village is not safe for now"said sasuke
"Well i got problems myself they are thinking of feeding me to the tail beast"said menma
"I guess most of the things happening are same"said Naruto
"Yea my dad must be worried right now but here i am"said menma
"How did you guys came here?"said Naruto
"Well i don't know i was just checking a scroll with my friends in an abandoned house and a bright light struck us and book here we are"said menma
"Well if the world is kinda same do you think you can find the same house again?"said sasuke
"Yea there must be a way your a genius dad!!"said menma
"Hnnn"said sasuke
"But you can check it out tomorrow it's getting late look! It's already 5pm you can stay at my place tonight"said Naruto
"Really! Thanks ummm other dad"said menma nervously
"It's fine you can both call us dad right sasuke?"said Naruto
"Hn"said sasuke
"Yay! Thanks dad"said menma happily
"And your friends can stay over too"said Naruto
"Okay let me ask them"said menma
"Guysss!!!! Guysss!!"shout menma
"What you want menma!"said memory
"Well I'm staying over my dad house wanna come?"ask menma
"Well I'm staying over sarada house"said memory
"I'll stay over mitsuki"said menma mitsuki
"Really mitsuki why tho?"ask menma
"I wanna know more about this world mitsuki"said menma mitsuki
"I guess we are splitting"said menma
"Yea let's see eachother tomorrow"said memory
"Shall we go now memory?"said sarada
"Sure let's go!!"said memory

After that they left mitsuki also left

"Soo boruto I'll be staying over your place"said menma
"I don't care do whatever you want but don't buy me kawaki is already there to bug me"said boruto leaving the place
"Okay geez!"said menma going back to their dad's
"Soooo who who is coming?"ask Naruto
"Well memory went with sarada and mitsuki went with mitsuki and boruto just left"said menma
"Okay then let's go!"said Naruto happily
"Where are you going Naruto you still have work!"shout shikamaru
"Can't i do it tomorrow i have guest"said Naruto
"What a drag fine!! But today work will be shift tommorow"said shikamaru
"Yay thanks shikamaru"said Naruto

After that they left now they are walking on a road

"So menma like how did i gave birth to you like how?"ask Naruto
"Well i don't really know but my dad once told me that a God gave my mom aka Naruto i just call Naruto my mom as he gave birth to me and as i was saying a God gave my mom something that can make my mom pregnant"said menma
"So me and Naruto are your parents?"ask sasuke
"Yea your my dad nad Naruto my mom"said menma
"I'm confused how did we fall in love like we are both guys...."ask Naruto
"Yea that's a tricky one but i once ask my dad and he said after the fight with my mom he found out that he is in love with my mom"said menma
"Wow like how did he know he's in love like me and sasuke fought but like after that we have wives"said Naruto nervously
"Well maybe because dad dint say anything like in my world after that fight sasuke started to ask my mom his feelings at first mom thought sasuke was just confused but my dad try and try again after some try my mom also found out he have feelings my dad so they got married"said menma happily

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