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Jimin pov

Me and  other hyungs were here were ready to bash some bastards dare he touch my girl ...the moment i lay my eyes on someone I won't let it slide ...

Hyungs were already inside while Me I was waiting for the right time when they signalled it was ok ..I went inside and saw Rose and Chaeryoung tied to a pole as their heads were ...they were only wearing a short and a tank top which was clearly showing their curves..

No no i was looking at my Rosè ..and i. Was just describing their situation okh?
I could see Taehyun and Taehyung already angry with the sight ...

While me ? I was frustrated.. because she was their infront of me and and i couldn't be their for her ...but ofcourse I will save her after all what is mine is mine ..

'Well..Well look who is here ..Park Jimin here to save his girl again ..but sorry hon this time it won't happen' he said.. wait- Again?! ..what doe he mean by that ?

"What do you mean?" I said noot trying to punch his not so ugly face ..he smirked and threw some files infront of us .. Taehyung catch them and gave one to me ..

"What is this?!' Taehyung scream at him I don't know what he read till now so I opened the file that was in my hand Kai was still smirking looking at us ...

The file contained two teenagers... One was me the other one was chipmunk? ...

Idk why But Jennie picture was also their ..the file contained some said that an accident took place in South Korea ,Seoul of two teenagers who were a victim of human trafficking..

They somehow escaped from their but one of them got into a serious accident while running away from them ..she had Amnesia after that ...the boy was in the rush to save her and was hit in the same way ...

He was terrified with the incident and his family decided to make him forget about the memories he had and make him believe that the girl had left the town and was no where to be found ...

The tennagers names were who suffered this accident Park Jimin and Park Rosè ...

After reading the last linee i finally understood why I felt so familiar with her why was she so precious to me ... I turned back to see everyone eyes on me like they already read my mind ..

But Jennie ? Why was she in the file and Kai how does he know about this ?
I looked at Kai with glares ..he looked unbothered. ...

"So I guess you finally realise your Rose is actually your Chipmunk...but aww so sad you don't remember her ..."he said laughing ..i clenched my first and dash over to punch him when his mens and our men's pointed their gun at each other ...

"Woh woh slow down Jimin ...don't you all wanna know what is Jennie to me and about Rose" He looked at me and Taehyung ...just then he smirked and looked around...

"Jen baby come out please ...I know you are here " he said looking back...

Jennie walked out slowly Kai went towards her and hugged  her Taehyung.  Was fuming ..she pushed him ..

'I'm not your  sister Kai!! stop it!!' Kai looked at her and laughed ...

"No matter what you do Jen everything is real you are still my sister ..." He said and turned towards us

Author pov

"About Rose she was my fiance you remember Jimin father the rival of yours " he said Jimin was confused as hell what was happening...

The others were confused as hell..
Suga and jhope were whispering to each other .."hyung ..what is happening?" Suga whispered back "idk bitch" ...

Jhope looked at home with a 'are you serious ' look ..Rm was dead serious while others were taking everything in they heard he was analysing the men in the room and what types of gun they have..he was basically processing the plan to execute incase Jimin's one fail...

While everyone was in their own though Rose and Chaeryoung were awake ..them he memory clicked in of her past two hours...

Flashback 2 hours before

"Why are you doing this?" Chaeryoung said as she gritted her teeth ..
"Nothing I just had some revenge to do on you and her .." he said simply while a girl beside him glared at him ...

"Do not forget to leave my sister alone after this ...if she gets hurt I swear this will be the end of your life Kai !" Azrael said who was actually Chaeryoung blood related sister that was helping Kai ...

"Azrael why did you make him kidnap me huh?!!" Chaeryoung said as she saw her sister laughed crazily..
"Because hon if you are here ..that means ... Taehyun my love would be here to ..and I would get him this time .." she said ...

" But didn't you loved me and Taehyung oppa huh .. Taehyun was never yours to be at first Azrael ..and about your crazy ass that decided to show up straight after 5 years  was not done ..." Yes Taehyung and Chaeryoung thought. Azrael was dead ..actually she was killed by someone that was told to them ...they loved her even she did but ..Azrael was in love with Taehyun she was so obsessed with him that she wanted him even if that means she have to punish her little sister she made a fake killing plane ...

"Gosh chae you are still so innocent I told you before whatever thing I get my eyes on i get it " she laughed and went outside the room...

Rose was silent this whole time she was punched three time with chae and they were bleeding...but that was not the worry that showed on her face was Jimin her first love ...

She had a flashback after seeing the  files and finally her Amnesia was gone ...she was so worried for Jimin ...

"Please be safe Jimin" she prayed and prayed.....

Before every confusion..i will explain it to you ...when Rose and Jimin were thirteen years old and were in love but haven't confessed yet ... remember the dream Jimin had was after that ...

After Rose left Jimin was sad like hell so he decided to walk around the street a bit even though he was thirteen he was a smart kid ...while walking he was kidnapped by human trafficking people ...

He was pushed into a cell room and locked up ...then he saw a girl in the same white dress crying ...he knew it was Rose or his chipmunk.... He hugged her and promise that they will be safe ...

The person behind this was Kai's father ..he wanted Rose to marry Kai but sshe refused .. ofcourse the marriage will take place at a legal age ..but still refused...her family agreed with her ...

That was also the reason for moving away ..but Kai's father was serious about this so he kidnapped her with is human trafficking team ...

Somehow Jimin and Rose ran out while running they were hit by a car and were taken to hospital....

Jimin was not allowed to meet Rose as she forgot everyone but her parents ...and that would hurt him more Jimin's family were told to manipulate him as if Rose went away and nothing like this happened...

For months Jimin was traumatized but he manage to get out of it after few years his parents death gave him alot of responsibility...

Same as Rose her parents died after few years they went Australia....her parents death was because of an accident...Rose stayed with her aunt and Jaehyun who was fortunately with a babysitter that night ...

To be continued

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