~Chapter 1, Perfect~

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Well done honey!! Her mother said focussing everyone on her

Well done Choco! Sophie said before her grooms (fans) would take Choco to wash him

Ofcourse the perfect round! Intervieuwers spoke to Sophie and asked her all kinds of questions.

How Did you get him to do that? SOPHIE HERE PLEASE!!       HERE uhm how did you train him so well        Is it true your the perfect girl?

It goes on,........... and on............. and on................. for hours somethimes

Sophie ' s mother said to her relieve: Let my poor girl rest! She must keep energy for the perfect next round!

Sophie already yawned and hoped it was to warm for the next round..... but no! She rode perfect.... AGAIN and got first AGAIN and Sophie got intervieuwed AGAIN! And everything went into the same loop until they had all their prizes.

Well hunn, 7 times first!! Almost a record! Her mother kept saying what could be better and Sophie loved to dissapear in her room when they were there.  HUNNY  There is this saying fun with your horse, makes fun for the puplic!!

Sophie thought by herself 2 things : 1, this is just made up and 2, there is no fun about becoming first AGAIN

Why the sad face!

Mom I'm tired just.......... let me be

Sophie Westbrook! Its an beautifull name on a beautifull girl! Don't complain and just celebrate!

When they got home her dad again argued with her mom, she already knew they were gonna divorce and hoped she could go along with her dad. As the time stroke, Sophie won more and more and she got prouder and prouder. Her mother always said: Well almost 7 and she achieved more than I did over a life-time!

Sophie teased and even bullied somethimes the other kids and she got perfecter in front of the screens but behind the screens she was just mean. Sophie loved all the attention as she was used to it. On her 7th birthday she even got 2000 dollar from her fans. She thanked them all with a photoshoot where they could stand next too her. At home she was being yelled at for existing but in the ring she had an angel as mother. Her mother got worse and worse as she won more and more. So, so did Sophie, she bullied people at school and even beat up a kid. She had a small scratch and her mother believed it was the kid she beat up, her mother haunted the kid and let Sophie kick and slap him while she holded him. Someone tried to say something but all her fans went after that person. She still won everything and looked like a perfect girl. As she joined the ring all she heard from the judges and people wass:

OMG look she fits perfect!

                                                                OMG she is so perfect                                             Omg she rides perfect

OMG perfect girl                                                               I wish I had such a perfect daughter

Her mother kept screaming at her at home and Sophie was never perfect enough for her.

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